Now wait a minute...Bends are produced from the vocal tract? overblows are from the vocal tract?..and all along I called it the throat. Good article until it got over my head a bit. Thanks SuperBee
Last Edited by on Mar 22, 2012 3:28 PM
Both the digestive tract and the vocal tract are in the throat. But that's an interesting observation about the throat. Maybe the digestive tract can affect tone?
Co-author Jim Antaki is the developer of the TurboLid. Check out his web site for video down the holes of reed action while playing (I believe it's Howard Levy). I think he also has some sort of medical scope views of the mouth cavity and tongue while playing. ---------- MBH Webbrain - a GUI guide to Adam's Youtube vids FerretCat Webbrain - Jason Ricci's vids (by hair colour!)
Last Edited by on Mar 23, 2012 10:00 AM