Rick Davis
1275 posts
Feb 04, 2013
10:48 AM

Mine is the old "Mississippi Saxophone" case. I've had it for years. I know there are much cooler cases out there but I just keep using this.
Let's see your kit.
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
2292 posts
Feb 04, 2013
11:17 AM
Well if I had one I would let you see it, but I don't. For years I've just used a small backpack for my harps, mics, leads, etc. The harps are either kept in a soft case inside the backpack, or in their boxes. I find the backpack is less conspicuous than a fancy case, so therefore less likely to attract unwanted attention. Plus of course it's easier to carry around on a motorbike :)
Last Edited by on Feb 04, 2013 11:18 AM
1437 posts
Feb 04, 2013
12:14 PM
Mine is just the generic Musicians Gear brand case sold on musiciansfriend. Has two trays full of diatonics, and I keep other gigging necessities in the other compartments like my LO toolkit, spare MS parts, small flashlight, shades, beer coolie, pens, etc. It works just fne for me, although the key lock on the catch has never worked.

Hawkeye Kane
761 posts
Feb 04, 2013
1:03 PM
Ok. This bleeting mess is need of bench time so I won't put them where they belong until they sound right.
1440 posts
Feb 04, 2013
1:06 PM
'Sploded!!! :-) ----------

Hawkeye Kane
3172 posts
Feb 04, 2013
1:52 PM
---------- Custom Harmonicas Optimized Harmonicas
401 posts
Feb 04, 2013
2:06 PM
3173 posts
Feb 04, 2013
2:17 PM
I posted 3 pics and text, but nothing worked. :( ---------- Custom Harmonicas Optimized Harmonicas
810 posts
Feb 04, 2013
8:50 PM
I've got in and out jacks so I can plug my mic in one end, the amp feed in the other, stomp boxes up in the case where I can tweak em. I'm now getting some noise using those jacks so I'm not using them - but it's a groovacious idea = no? My stomp boxed are now the micro pog and a TC Electronics flashback delay. That's a Yamaha magic stomp in the pic. A very cool early emulation / multi fx box.

357 posts
Feb 04, 2013
11:09 PM

I am trying to figgure out how to add a second layer so I can add about 20 more harp slots, for moniors or whatever.
884 posts
Feb 05, 2013
12:33 AM
I just gutted this old briefcase, cut some dividers and bracing from balsa, padded the top and bottom then glued this lairey fabric. the removable harp drawer was put together pretty rough and ready, from scrap. cutting the slot for the hinge was fun. its not a high quality finish, kinda rustic but it does what i need. improved my life...and it was fun to make..

102 posts
Feb 05, 2013
12:52 AM
some harp cases being done for a friend.. these along with cables and mic go into a backpack!

99 posts
Feb 05, 2013
1:31 AM
wauw logansays, that looks good !!! +1
100 posts
Feb 05, 2013
1:39 AM
Can anybody help me: How can I put some photo's on the forum ?? thanx...!
886 posts
Feb 05, 2013
2:38 AM
Arnoux, use the harmonica forum how-to link. ----------
236 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:27 AM
logansays, beautiful work!
103 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:36 AM
@shbamac not my work! done by a wonderful leather worker from Croatia..beautiful !
Rick Davis
1276 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:43 AM
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
1442 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:43 AM
I'd eventually love to buy and incorporate this nifty little reimagining of the Danelectro Amp-in-Case from Fritz Bros. Guitars into my harp case. It'd make for a very handy travel-light rig. Just my harp case with the amp and mic inside, and a speaker cabinet.

Hawkeye Kane
Rick Davis
1277 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:44 AM
logansays wins the day. That is wicked cool.
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
Rick Davis
1278 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:51 AM
On my old harp case it is hard to see in the photo but that is a Fender Bassman nameplate velcro'ed to the inside of the lid.

---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
3180 posts
Feb 05, 2013
7:47 AM

 ---------- Custom Harmonicas Optimized Harmonicas
1445 posts
Feb 05, 2013
7:53 AM
Ha! I forgot about the Ghost Trap Mike! ----------

Hawkeye Kane
812 posts
Feb 05, 2013
11:25 AM
108 posts
Feb 05, 2013
11:42 AM
887 posts
Feb 05, 2013
1:32 PM
For mine, the Klimt case is more cool. Great image to have when you open your case! ----------
813 posts
Feb 05, 2013
3:24 PM
"For mine, the Klimt case is more cool. Great image to have when you open your case!"
And the ladies like it too. ----------
888 posts
Feb 05, 2013
6:48 PM
Exactly right ----------
109 posts
Feb 06, 2013
10:04 AM
Rick, Your case setting next to that Premier amp like that, I had to set that as the background on work computor. Nice set up.
My current set up is a bicycle trunk bag. I have 18 diatonics 2 chroms a couple of mics and a few other things in it. Portable and inconspicuous. But I do have a brief case I plan on retro fitting.
Ron ---------- You Tube = goshinjk
I'm workin on it. I'm workin on it.
6 posts
Feb 06, 2013
11:39 AM
nice to see all the gear,mics and pedals etc
650 posts
Feb 06, 2013
12:56 PM
/Users/Rubes/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2013/02/07/20130207-081235/photo.JPG One of Slims......I love it....nearly full!!!!!! ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
651 posts
Feb 06, 2013
1:01 PM
http://s1295.beta.photobucket.com/user/Paul_Rubie/media/photo_zpscdb40991.jpg.html try again..... ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
890 posts
Feb 06, 2013
1:19 PM
Close rubes, just need to put the HTML code around your link ----------
652 posts
Feb 06, 2013
1:25 PM
 third time lucky......Thanx Superbee!! ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
653 posts
Feb 06, 2013
1:28 PM
 ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
654 posts
Feb 06, 2013
2:29 PM
---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
655 posts
Feb 06, 2013
2:31 PM
Look what I just dug up from the catacombs of my mind/life/junk! Made this pouch thingy in the early 80s as a young fella about to embark on about 4 yrs of spiritual wanderings about the globe. Due to the period, all Lee Oskars! (note my musical ignorance......B instead of Bb!) ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
125 posts
Feb 07, 2013
7:17 PM
here's some more shots of my case now that i have had chance to add the lid plates.

---------- Slim's-Custom-Harmonica-Cases-Website
127 posts
Feb 08, 2013
4:23 PM
heres is the latest addition to my case, enjoy
 ---------- Slim's-Custom-Harmonica-Cases-Website
657 posts
Feb 08, 2013
5:13 PM
Hey Slim.....didn't see THAT option!!!!!!!!!!! ---------- One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
34 posts
Feb 08, 2013
6:02 PM
Here is mine when I first got it from Slim.
1387 posts
Feb 09, 2013
7:24 AM

See My Profile for contact info, etc.
1388 posts
Feb 09, 2013
7:29 AM
Referring to empty post above:
You've got to be effing kidding me...
Who are the web developers at MacWebsiteBuilder 5th graders in training? Rule #1: don't publish changes without testing. Rule #2: don't publish changes that don't work.

See My Profile for contact info, etc.
1389 posts
Feb 09, 2013
7:36 AM
Summary of what I had written:
I was saying that I currently use a basic Hohner hard shell case that holds 12 diatonics and a chromatic. But I find when I go out I more often am packing mic, chord, sheets with music chords or lyrics, music stand, some small tools like screwdriver, I may be including a pedal. I end up throwing the hard shell case and all the other equipment in a backpack much like Kingly. While I don't think I can get away from needing a backpack for some of the gear I do think I could benefit from a harmonica case upgrade to carry the harmonica stuff all in one container. The only market case at music shops that seems to come close to meet my desires is the Hohner briefcase (which goes for $70 on musiciansfriend) but I'm concerned about the longevity and durability.

See My Profile for contact info, etc.
Last Edited by RyanMortos on Feb 09, 2013 7:43 AM
897 posts
Feb 09, 2013
4:16 PM
Yeah I dunno Ryan. My standard briefcase refit cost under $20, but that was starting with a free case that I salvaged. Longevity? No idea, mine had already had a hard life and been discarded, but I've used it for over a year and its fine. Fits 2 bullet mics, 2 cables, 2 pedals and power supplies, 13 diatonics, screwdriver, patch cables, earplugs, spare tube, batteries, adapters, iPod, and I can even squeeze in some paper if needed, oh and a chromatic. I have managed to carry a 3rd mic but that was pushing things to the limits. ----------
1392 posts
Feb 10, 2013
9:43 AM
Lol, somehow this thread caused me to order the Hohner harmonica briefcase. This is what happens when I spend more time on this forum I acquire more gear. Especially around tax return time, heh. I might resell the Hohner harmonica hard shell case with some like new marine bands on eBay or something, lol.

See My Profile for contact info, etc.
Last Edited by RyanMortos on Feb 10, 2013 9:44 AM
4 posts
Feb 12, 2013
7:04 PM
These are pics of mine, unloaded....

Georgia Blues
12 posts
Feb 14, 2013
6:44 AM
I stick with my old fender case... Can't get enough gold plush. Feels perfessunal :o). But I am crazy about HK's Danelectro Amp-in-Case idea. That would be fun to put together. But then I'd have to buy a bigger case :o.
Last Edited by Georgia Blues on Feb 14, 2013 10:32 AM
Rick Davis
1311 posts
Feb 14, 2013
7:01 AM
Hit Escape if you blow it on the captcha.... your comment will re-appear and you can try again.
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
79 posts
Feb 14, 2013
10:33 AM
My trusty, and sadly discontinued, Harmonica Masterclass case. I've had it over 10 years and its got some miles on it. I've practically built my show around it. Mic in left hole, harp/harps in the middle, and beverage in the right hole, as you can see from the stain.
It's on its last legs, but at this point I can't live without a stand mounted case.I reckon I'll be giving Christian a call soon.

Ryan Hartt & The Blue Hearts www.ryanhartt.com