K Williams
7 posts
Feb 20, 2013
9:21 AM
Is the Hohner Harmonica Briefcase(velour lining) a good case? Does Fender still make their harp case? Any other recommendations?
46 posts
Feb 20, 2013
10:34 AM
There was a recent 60-post thread about harp cases. It's totally subjective. Some like the Hohner briefcase, some like custom cases by Slim, Cadillac Jack, or others. And, there are folks who like to repurpose cool cases originally used for other things that are either vintage, or are neat in some other respect.
Here is the thread...lots of pictures. Several members of the forum make and sell cases, or harp inserts for your own homegrown case solution.
Hope this helps,
Last Edited by Johncn on Feb 20, 2013 10:37 AM
Rick Davis
1335 posts
Feb 20, 2013
11:23 AM
The Hohner Blues Harmonica Briefcase looks pretty cool, and it looks a lot like the old Fender "Mississippi Saxophone" case many of us still use (except it does not seem to be available in tweed).
Here is my old beat up Fender case:

There are other cases you can buy that have more room and a better design. I've thought about getting a cool new case, but I just keep using this one. It was actually kind of expensive when I bought it about 10 years ago: about $125. The non-tweed versions were something like $39.00.
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
Last Edited by Rick Davis on Feb 20, 2013 1:38 PM
K Williams
13 posts
Feb 20, 2013
12:28 PM
I'm kicking myself for not buying the Fender case years ago... :-(
Thanks for the info and link.
1488 posts
Feb 20, 2013
12:57 PM
@K Williams
It looks like this guy still has the black tolex version if that'd interest you.

Hawkeye Kane
Last Edited by HawkeyeKane on Feb 20, 2013 12:57 PM
532 posts
Feb 20, 2013
7:57 PM
this what i use...cept mine does not have the velour i keep my harps in a cumberline case fits right inside my tweed brief case i have the hardest time posting a picture so i gave up. i never give up! maybe they could make it easier to post a picture? i am on a computer quite a bit..still cant post a picture. can it be done in under 30 seconds? is there a secret handshake? i know it is possible i have done it i think i had to jump from page to page to page i would rather put on itunes and play along with my harp, than to torture myselk posting a picture...so maybe that's a good thing lol
sorry just venting!
533 posts
Feb 20, 2013
8:00 PM
and don't ask me what it cost me! trust me a hundred dollars is a steal!
K Williams
14 posts
Feb 21, 2013
2:51 AM
Does anyone know how to make the harp & mic perfectly sized cutouts in foam? The small SKB case on MusiciansFriend looks like a "bombproof" option.
Last Edited by K Williams on Feb 21, 2013 9:37 AM
1490 posts
Feb 21, 2013
8:28 AM
You might wanna write to Slim about that one. Course the foam he uses actually might be different from what comes in the SKB case. ----------

Hawkeye Kane
K Williams
16 posts
Feb 21, 2013
3:04 PM
Slim's cases look awesome...better than awesome, but almost $300 for the setup I want(space for 7 harps, 2 mics, & cables) is kind of steep for me.
Rick Davis
1338 posts
Feb 21, 2013
3:08 PM
This looks interesting:
And I'm pretty sure one of these foam inserts:
will fit perfectly in one of these boxes:
I know I've read comments form harp guys who ordered custom foam harp inserts and put them in inexpensive aluminum cases from Harbor Freight.
---------- -Rick Davis The Blues Harp Amps Blog The Mile High Blues Society
Last Edited by Rick Davis on Feb 21, 2013 3:17 PM
6520 posts
Feb 21, 2013
5:22 PM
There have been some pretty creative DIY harp case projects. All you really need is a container you like the right size and some foam inserts.
It wasn't DIY, but I saw one, (maybe it was BlueX?), that seemed to be two amp cabinets. The first was bigger, and the second one was the actual amp. The amp fit inside the fake amp, and the fake amp, being bigger, had room left for some nice little drawers for harmonicas. You picked one up, and you had both your amp and your harps with one handle. A modified version of that might have a little shelf that fit a small case, that way you'd get the best of both worlds for portability. Of course, unless you were going to personalize it, you'd want a good name brand on the fake amp too, since that would be what everyone sees first! ;)
edit: Yeah, it was BlueX.
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/35464_10151451296914508_1666239604_n.jpg ---------- Nate Facebook Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)
Last Edited by nacoran on Feb 21, 2013 5:24 PM
K Williams
17 posts
Feb 22, 2013
9:50 AM
Thanks for the info...especially HawkeyeKane and Rick Davis!
K Williams
20 posts
Feb 25, 2013
3:43 AM
I just found a Cumberland single harp slip case with a Bushman harmonica in it while going through my stuff! I forgot I even had one!
Last Edited by K Williams on Feb 25, 2013 9:38 AM
1115 posts
Feb 25, 2013
5:09 AM
PT Gazell was lauding the Seydel 20 harp case a few years ago, small case, individual compartments, easy to carry, very well made. I bought 2, very useful. For jams, I like the simple little Hohner leatherette 7 harp accordion case. Cheap! I have a couple of these, easy to carry, fit in a backpack, bigger case, etc. I've had the Fender, Hohner molded case,various roadcases, all work well, but get heavy carrying around at Bluesfest jams. I think preference for cases is as subjective as amp and mic choice.
Last Edited by rbeetsme on Feb 25, 2013 5:10 AM
92 posts
Feb 26, 2013
3:05 PM
Here's what Slim set up for me in my old camera case. Works perfectly. Great guy to deal with. Case works well with extra pockets inside and outside for cables and extra bits and pieces.
Sorry - can't figure out how to imbed - tried the img src= thing but no luck
Last Edited by HTrain on Feb 26, 2013 3:11 PM
1 post
Mar 02, 2013
5:19 PM
Here's one I made myself from a piece of suede I bought online. It rolls up nicely and fits in a padded camera bag or backpack. The key stickers can be removed or replaced. My prototype was from an old t-shirt, but sharp harmonica corners corners can get stuck with cotton. :)

Last Edited by PeterG on Mar 02, 2013 5:37 PM
2 posts
Mar 02, 2013
5:27 PM

Last Edited by PeterG on Mar 02, 2013 5:49 PM
586 posts
Mar 06, 2013
9:01 PM
now i am not sure if this is considered a harp case, but it is brilliant. for around the house, you get yourself a magnetic knife holder.
keeps your harps handy, no more having them,spread out all over the place. might be able to attach one to the back of a bassman. i have a cumberline case, it uses elastic to hold them in place maybe some thing like that but with magnets would work well just thinking out loud here. ---------- tipjar
2673 posts
Mar 07, 2013
11:12 AM
Magnets are a brilliant idea. i carry my harps in Hohner seven pouch cases. then i put 7-9 harps in a modified percussion tray that attaches to my mic stand.
magnets would minimize what happens when you bump into your harp case/holders and send them flying all over. ---------- MP affordable reed replacement and repairs.
"making the world a better place, one harmonica at a time"
click user name [MP] for info- repair videos on YouTube. you can reach me via Facebook. Mark Prados
Last Edited by MP on Mar 07, 2013 11:14 AM
31 posts
Mar 07, 2013
12:41 PM
I'm lovin this thread!
Just a quick question... and this may seem dumb... but i'll ask it: Does magnetizing a harp have any eventual negative effects? (takes them out of tune?)
Just asking cause it's an awesome idea that i had never though of.... just wondering if it had any negative impacts to the harp.
I ended up ordering a custom case for my harps...and it's probably one of the best investments i have made. Think about it... you put your guitar in to a good case, not to damage it. Now think how much your harps cost. Even at 30 bucks a pop (and that lowballing), 8 keys... that's $240 bucks.
For me, that's alot of money to leave just lying around.
A good case is well worth the $$, IMHO.
Last Edited by Pockets on Mar 07, 2013 12:42 PM
2674 posts
Mar 07, 2013
12:58 PM
from Pockets- "Just a quick question... and this may seem dumb... but i'll ask it: Does magnetizing a harp have any eventual negative effects? (takes them out of tune?)"
most reeds are made of brass and some are phosphor bronze- like the Bushman Delta Frost and at least one other Suzuki harp. so i'd say no. i don't know how much, if any, effect on stainless steel reeds magnets would have. you have to really bend a reed hard past it's floor and often for it to go out of tune. ---------- MP affordable reed replacement and repairs.
"making the world a better place, one harmonica at a time"
click user name [MP] for info- repair videos on YouTube. you can reach me via Facebook. Mark Prados
35 posts
Mar 08, 2013
12:00 PM
Thanks MP.
I'd be curious to see what everyone uses for their harp cases.....
994 posts
Mar 08, 2013
1:16 PM
Hi Pockets, I reckon you must have 'just missed' the thread we had where lots of folk posted photos of their cases. Mine is much like rick's fender case conceptually, but I used an old briefcase and fitted it out with balsa and fabric, and made a tray from hardwood and Masonite, lined with felt. It was cheap, fun to do, satisfying and improved my life just a little bit. I like that its slightly rustic, and there's not another quite like it. Anyway, that thread was one Rick started I think. Quite recent, called "show us your harp case" or something similiar. ----------
286 posts
Mar 08, 2013
1:45 PM
You'll discover the basic question: how much room do you need? Do you just want a harp holder, or something with room for a little/alot of gear? The Fender case, as compact as it is, will hold plenty of harps,a bullet mic,cables,spare tubes & some tools. But that's it. It's what I use, and I need a gear bag for backup mics,cables,etc.