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The 5 MOST important "notes" in the World - PERIOD
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3575 posts
Dec 28, 2013
12:34 PM
If you could only play 5 notes for the rest of your natural life, which ones would you choose and why?
Greg Heumann
2530 posts
Dec 28, 2013
12:57 PM
The 5 notes of the pentatonic scale, of course.

BlowsMeAway Productions
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BlueState - my band
Bluestate on iTunes
470 posts
Dec 28, 2013
12:57 PM
What do you mean by a note?

Do you mean a musical pitch played once? In other words, you can play exactly five notes one time each, and then nothing after that?

Do you mean a note name but not a range, such as C in any octave you choose?

Do you mean a specific pitch, such as C two octaves below Middle C as opposed to Middle C?

Do you mean pitches that stand in interval relations to one another as opposed to specific pitches?

What about bent notes, which change pitch as they're played?

Anybody considering drastic limitations has to understand clearly exactly what those limitations are.
3577 posts
Dec 28, 2013
1:02 PM
Any Notes, any way you can get them...but "only" 5 ")
472 posts
Dec 28, 2013
1:12 PM
That still doesn't answer the very first question, Frank.

In other words, a note can mean a sound played ONE TIME. If that's part of your definition, then I could play exactly five notes ONE time each and then would have to shut up for the rest of my life.

That's very different from being able to play, say, the 5 pitches A, B, C#, D and E as many times as I wanted for the rest of my life.

So which is it?

Last Edited by WinslowYerxa on Dec 28, 2013 1:13 PM
3578 posts
Dec 28, 2013
1:45 PM
Yes, you can only use "the same" 5 notes for the rest of your life and they can be different pitches - So if someone chooses E,F,G,A,B - those are the notes they are stuck with till death... which would you choose and why?

Last Edited by Frank on Dec 28, 2013 1:51 PM
3579 posts
Dec 28, 2013
5:42 PM
We can... but you can't, sorry :)
The Iceman
1355 posts
Dec 28, 2013
6:00 PM
invitation, condolence, congratulation, thank you, and to myself...
The Iceman
289 posts
Dec 28, 2013
7:46 PM
5 of the 10,000 Singapore dollar notes.


Musically, 5x the "brown note"
12gagedan's YouTube Channel
3581 posts
Dec 29, 2013
4:07 AM
85 posts
Dec 29, 2013
12:27 PM
The question itself suggest a complete lack of musical knowledge....sorry.

You obviously posess musical knowledge so I'm totally baffled as to what you're getting at....if anything.

Last Edited by CWinter on Dec 29, 2013 12:28 PM
3583 posts
Dec 29, 2013
12:40 PM
It seems you have discovered the answer by questioning the question while acknowledeing the questioners posession - now go forth, comfortable that the truth has been revealed to your inner godhood :)
696 posts
Dec 30, 2013
2:47 AM

Sun, sun, sun
Burn, burn, burn
Soon, soon, soon
Moon, moon, moon
3588 posts
Dec 30, 2013
5:24 AM
You may only choose one to last FOREVER - just do it, don't ask why - but when you do pick it, why did you pick that "1"?
269 posts
Dec 30, 2013
5:50 AM
Technically silence is a note too, and should be "played" more...so that only leaves you 4 "noisy" notes
Paul Cohen aka Komuso Tokugawa
HarpNinja - Your harmonica Mojo Dojo
Bringing the Boogie to the Bitstream

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