968 posts
Jan 09, 2010
3:57 AM
I’ve had a few requests for information regarding the HPC3 Challenge so I have concentrated all the information that would be needed to take part in this one thread.
Firstly there is the original HPC “Blow Your Brains Out” invitation banner. That is followed by the rules banner. At the bottom are some useful links which should point you to other resources on the Modern Blues Harmonica site which should provide all you’ll need to know regarding posting videos to YouTube etc.
Secondly I will change my banner to direct anyone who clicks on it to come back to this post.

Rules. ‘Blow Your Brains Out’. HPC3 Solo Harp Jam Challenge.
1. It’s a Solo Harp Jam Challenge.
Amplification , Effects, Kick drums, Percussive rhythm tracks, Whooping, Stomping and Foot Tapping - Yes.
Any other backing track, musical instrument accompaniment, singing, loops - No.
2. Duration must not exceed 3 minutes.
3. Entries to be submitted to the YouTube Harpfriends Group by 31st January 2010. See videos 1 and 2 below for details.
Ensure the words ‘HPC3 Solo Harp Jam Challenge’ and your MBH handle are included in the Title and Description fields of your YouTube entry. The description field should also contain information about the length of time you have been playing and your perception of your skill level based on Adams guidelines which you can find here: Assess your skill level.
You may also want to include whether or not you invite comments, the type and key of harp, effects pedal used, title of piece etc. This would be useful information for others.
4. There is only one Challenge. Some people wanted to have separate challenges for the different skill levels. But this would be an administrative nightmare. If you want to do that, then administer and co-ordinate HPC4 if you have the time and can think of an efficient, easy way to do it. Anyway, who is to say that a relative beginner may not produce a more enthusiastic, soulful and touching piece than someone who may be technically perfect but plays without feeling?
5. After the deadline each participant will be encouraged to vote for the five entries they like the most.
Your individual judgement on technique, creativity, entertainment value and musical taste and whether you would want to watch it again is what counts.
Please be mindful of the participants skill level before making any comments if they are invited. We wouldn’t want enthusiastic beginners discouraged by thoughtlessness. Constructive criticism and tips would be welcomed by those who do invite comments and don’t forget we are doing this for fun. It’s better to say nothing than be rude.
6. The overall judging system has yet to be decided but it would make sense for the participants to determine who should be in the top five and for those to go through to be judged by either the participants again but using just one vote, or, if we are lucky, a higher authority. There is to be one overall Challenge Champion or a tie if circumstances demand. The final judging will be considered and announced nearer the time.
Links to useful information.
Assess your skill level.
*****Please Note***** There has been a small change to make the video upload process easier. GermanHarpist has very kindly created two short videos which should explain all you need to know.
1. How to upload a video to YouTube.
2. How to add a video to the YouTube Harpfriends Group.
3. Link to YouTube Harpfriends Group.
*****Please Note No2.***** This is an update dated January 24th.
People have experienced problems trying to submit there videos to the Harpfriends Group. It appears the problem is with YouTube and we can't work out how to fix it just yet.
However if you upload your video to your own channel on YouTube you can either let me know and I'll get it into the Harpfriends Group or you can add it in the HPC3 Topic (Half way down the page).
I'm hoping we can sort the problem soon. Check here for further updates.
Last Edited by on Jan 26, 2010 3:30 PM
998 posts
Jan 14, 2010
2:40 AM
Thanks to GermanHarpist, clearer information has been added regarding uploading videos and adding videos to the YouTube Harpfriends Group. It can be found at the bottom of the rules section which is just above this post. ----------
1002 posts
Jan 14, 2010
3:02 PM
Bump. ----------
11 posts
Jan 15, 2010
3:40 PM
Hi tookatooka & a great big thanks to all the Brothers that have welcomed me aboard the good ship MBH...Thanks mate it seems only fair for all the hard work you are doing to get more persons intrested in HPC3.You got me in see what relentless work can do it's worth the effort most times Bro,get me hooked up with Harpfriends and I'm In Bro..thanks again for being such i fine ambassador of our Chossen Instrument the Harmonica,and a big thanks to all Persons involved with MBH to promote the Harmonica to all Harmocists around the World..By the way Bro's you got a new Pin on the map firmly stuck on the east coast of Australia.
Last Edited by on Jan 17, 2010 1:59 AM
1006 posts
Jan 15, 2010
4:00 PM
Hi Nasty, you don't need to sign in to harpfriends any longer. All you need is your own YouTube account. Then watch the two short videos at the bottom of the rules section. That should explain everything for you. I'm really pleased you are taking part. It should be fun. ----------
13 posts
Jan 15, 2010
7:50 PM
Hi Tooka been trying to add clip them instructions well bro it's me I'm to simple when it comes to computers at times this is one of them times Bro i watched the vid i have a YT Page know how to uplaod vids and have vids to enter but can't get them on Harp friends it says i need to forward my email addreess i will be sent a Login code and password ready to enter but it's me i can't get it happening
975 posts
Jan 15, 2010
9:45 PM
Don't worry about the password, etc. Just upload them to your own channel and add them to the Harpfriends Group with the correct handle. That should be good enough.
Tooka, I think the 3rd point is still conflicting in this regard.
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
Last Edited by on Jan 15, 2010 10:05 PM
14 posts
Jan 15, 2010
10:16 PM
Yo Bro's got it worked out Job done,,Ok this clip was done a few weeks back I'm ok if this clip is not counted as a valid entry..I will be doing an old traditional blues tune this weekend sort of stuff no one likes listening to if you don't appreciate raw stripped down accoustic Blues Harp..then Just for Fun i will amp up do it again see what comes out in the wash........
Last Edited by on Jan 15, 2010 10:19 PM
16 posts
Jan 15, 2010
11:19 PM
oops!!!! trust me to break all the rules,,well i got the upload thing happening,,i will enter another clip abideing by the i guess if i can upload i can delete it allso or just leave it there dissregard it as an entry..Let the Brothers and Sisters get a Bit of a fright!!!!can't change them looks with a chainsaw i say..
Last Edited by on Jan 16, 2010 3:23 AM
1007 posts
Jan 16, 2010
2:54 AM
@GH@ Bit unsure what you mean about the 3rd point? Oh I see what you mean. I'll fix it.
Also, I have added a direct link to the YouTube Harpfriends Group. ----------
Last Edited by on Jan 16, 2010 3:18 AM
977 posts
Jan 16, 2010
4:45 AM
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
24 posts
Jan 17, 2010
2:07 AM
Hi Tooka & Gman-H,,how many entrys are allowed,,is there a prize if not may i make a suggestion,,
1020 posts
Jan 17, 2010
3:22 AM
Nasty, you can make as many entries as you like but you will need to delete all but your best one by 31st Jan. That means only one final entry is allowed. The only prize is bragging rights and kudos from the harmonica community and of course, self satisfaction.
You can of course make a suggestion but we have been down that route before and it causes all sorts of complications. If your idea is good, it may be considered for HPC4. ----------
25 posts
Jan 17, 2010
4:23 AM
Hi Tooka thanks for the info..yeh i understand the compilcations of offering a prize Who makes final judgement on who gets the prize will there be a prize for 1 2 3..i hear you i was going to offer a free Blues Harmonica Microphone to the Lucky winner,,only the winner no 2 3 prize as long as they payed for postage to there country of origin,,I'm up for HPC-4 give it a thought or knock it on the head I won't be offended,,Google Sk9 Little Honker or find it in Ebay just type in the search bar you will find it to see the Microphone on Offer
1023 posts
Jan 17, 2010
4:38 AM
That's a very kind and generous offer Nasty. Why don't you see how HPC3 turns out first and then if you feel you'd like to contribute a prize offer it up for HPC4?
It looks a nice little mic and I'm sure would certainly bring in a few more punters if they thought there was a chance of winning one.
Thanks again for the offer. ----------
26 posts
Jan 17, 2010
4:46 AM
Thats cool Bro i have gained so much info from MBH i would like to give something back to the Foram,,when i say i will do something or mention i may wish to do something i will follow through,,and allso my thoughts where to get more punters on board Bro you been working at this Real Hard all the help the do i vote for the other contestants
1024 posts
Jan 17, 2010
5:18 AM
Voting will be in a new thread later. As I see it we will create a thread on 1st Feb with all the video entries. All participants and any other forum members can then vote for the ones they think are best. We will narrow that down to the top five which will then go through to the next round where hopefully the winner/s will be picked by either a top player (if we can persuade them) or the forum members again. This is still open to negotiation but that's how I see it going. ----------
27 posts
Jan 17, 2010
5:25 AM
Thanks for the info Bro i just popped my entry on Harpfriends
992 posts
Jan 19, 2010
3:17 PM
11 more days to go!
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
1770 posts
Jan 19, 2010
3:49 PM
im not ready. ----------
511 posts
Jan 21, 2010
8:48 PM
I am really confused!
Being far from ready but I have taken the plunge and have uploaded a vid to Youtube that I will submit. But trying to find a Harpfriends page and a way of joining, even after studying this thread & watching the GH vids, has me completely baffled.
Please help me with this space age technology I need stone age instructions?
Why can't we just paste a copy of our video into a HPC3 thread on the forum? I now know how to do this!
69 posts
Jan 21, 2010
9:43 PM
Him Aussie-S enter option 3 above it will take you to a Youtube clip of Issaculla,,ok see it now to the very fasr right you will see my ugley head and other clips Look for the Video clip of an Old Rusty Bucket hit the Harpfriends user name under the clip,,you are now on the Harp friends page,,to the left of the page there should be an invite to become a member or Join Harp friends some where around that area scroll down a bit,,become a memnber of Harpfriends them you can copy and past the url in harpfriends give it some navigation let me know how it turns out,,all of the above information is how i joined Harpfriends,,mate i couldn't bejeezuses work it out either i just stumbled around for a while then sort of fell on the right links
1020 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:01 PM
Here's the link to the harpfriends page. Join and the press the submit a video button on the right. There's one vid that explains how to add a vid.
Hope that helps, keep us posted if questions.
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
Last Edited by on Jan 21, 2010 10:04 PM
512 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:18 PM
Nasty & GH > Have done all that you mention but no go. I hit the submit button and a popup box asking for the vid URL which I paste plus a description but no go. I am a member of Harpfriends ie I got that far and am in as 'Harpoldie' ie they just took the name I had on my YT channel. Have spent 1/2 the day on this!!
70 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:30 PM
Hi Aussie,,so what i understand is you can get to this point,,,,,,,,right far side top of Harpfriends page,,option Box says enter this page clicking Submitt,,then a Post a vidio to this group URL box opens Larg long box,,You should be able to past your vidio in the URL box,,,,,,,,,,Ps get back to me but it will be sometime i am now going to jam with my Bro he's tuning his guitar Got to Go////if you have done all the above //stop think what are you doing be for sending vid are you copying it correctly to to go Bro
147 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:36 PM
is it acceptable for another harmonica to be used as a backing track?
1022 posts
Jan 21, 2010
10:55 PM
Aussiesucker, write me an email (just saying 'Aussiesucker', so that I have your address), check out my profile..., and I'll show you an alternative way of adding the video.
Nope, CJames ;) no backing tracks.
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
Last Edited by on Jan 21, 2010 10:58 PM
277 posts
Jan 23, 2010
4:52 AM
Ahh!! Im having the same problem as Aussiesucker.
I press submit but nothing happens:(
If i log in and upload straight on to the Harpfriends channel will it pull the video through to the group?
Cheers, ----------
Last Edited by on Jan 23, 2010 4:55 AM
1046 posts
Jan 23, 2010
11:24 AM
Hi Ant, I'm hoping GH may know what the problem is but in the meantime I'm sure your entry on the Harpfriends channel can be put on the Group in some way. We'll sort it out. Nice playing by the way.
1048 posts
Jan 23, 2010
12:56 PM
GH if you are reading this, You can add videos via the comment section on the Harpfriends Group but I'm not sure it will be suitable. I've started an HPC3 Comment thread where videos can be added just by pasting the URL in. Maybe you could take a look and see if it will be suitable for our purpose. ----------
1046 posts
Jan 23, 2010
1:32 PM
No, I don't know what the problem is, but it is the same for me....? It's exactly the same as the Aussiesucker and Ant discribed. It worked before...?
I didn't see how you added the vids, but evidently their posted... Unfortunately my internet is gapingly slow. But I'll go into an public internet station tomorrow and check it out from there.
---------- germanharpist on YT. =;-) - Resonance is KEY!
1049 posts
Jan 23, 2010
1:37 PM
I added them in the topics section about half way down the page. ----------
282 posts
Jan 24, 2010
4:01 AM
No problem, at least im not the only one who cant upload. At least its on the Harpfriends channel
Thanks for the kind comments guy's
Last Edited by on Jan 24, 2010 4:02 AM
1051 posts
Jan 24, 2010
4:02 AM
ANt I've added it to the Harpfriends Group. ----------
283 posts
Jan 24, 2010
4:03 AM
Thanks Tooka. ----------
93 posts
Jan 25, 2010
5:27 PM
lumpy wafflesquirt
156 posts
Jan 26, 2010
2:58 PM
I've uploaded my entry to my youtube but can't work out how to link it to harpfriends. submit a video just doesn't seem to work, or should I use 'upload a video'?
1078 posts
Jan 26, 2010
3:20 PM
Don't worry. I'll do it. For some reason the way we were going to do it has gone belly up. YouTube has problems and we're having to work round it. ----------
Last Edited by on Jan 26, 2010 3:24 PM
43 posts
Jan 26, 2010
5:09 PM
Hi. I am having the same problem as Lumpy. I have uploaded the video but can't add it to the Harp friends list.
I would be very grateful if you could add mine too:
1079 posts
Jan 27, 2010
12:24 AM
OK Done. Oh! You'd done it already. Nice playing by the way. ----------
Last Edited by on Jan 27, 2010 12:39 AM
216 posts
Jan 29, 2010
7:31 PM
I have decided to give this challenge a try. Heres my entry: ---------- Brandon Bailey
Superchucker77's Youtube
1103 posts
Jan 30, 2010
2:19 AM
Thank you Brandon. It's great to have you on board. I have added your entry to the YouTube Harpfriends Group. ----------