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A Musical Proof for understanding the Circle of 5
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1588 posts
Feb 22, 2016
10:06 PM
I just wrote out how to develop the circle of fifths from only a keyboard and the knowledge the the key of C major has no sharps or flats. It is very similar to a geometry proof and like a geometry proof, studying it and reproducing it ones self will improve your understanding of the topic. You can download it here

Last Edited by STME58 on Feb 23, 2016 7:55 AM
511 posts
Feb 23, 2016
11:14 AM
Thanks STME58: Great tool!!!! Been working on my scales lately. Works great for piano, but also Chromatic Harp!!!
And I Thank You !!
Grey Owl
578 posts
Feb 23, 2016
11:31 AM
Nice one! Thanks
8954 posts
Feb 23, 2016
11:43 AM
I use the Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle, Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles's Father and my Baby Elephants And Donkeys Go Baby Elephants And Donkeys Go Circle of Fifths mnemonic to remember the order of flats and sharps around the circle of fifths. There was something I was taught with the first two mnemonics involving counting up or down to figure out the key, but I find the circle works faster.

Understanding how the major keys work though, by using the key of C on a keyboard is how I try to explain it to other people. I think it's a great way to get people to understand exactly what a scale is, and once they have at least the conceptual understanding, even if they don't have it all memorized they can start to figure things out from there.

Nice proof.

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1591 posts
Feb 23, 2016
2:59 PM
Nate, as you probably know, this works for all modes, not just major. If you start and end on A, the white keys are the minor sale, if you start and end on D they are the Dorian scale, E-Phrygian, F-Lydian, G-Mixolydian, B-Locrian.

You can create a circle of fifths for all of these modes in the same manner I described for the major mode.
616 posts
Feb 23, 2016
4:46 PM
BEAD Goes the Circle of Fifths. That's how i remember it. You already know which ones up top. So along as you know the string.
"Trust Those Who Seek The Truth. Doubt Those Who Say They Have Found It."
1594 posts
Feb 23, 2016
6:12 PM
Killa, when you go counterclockwise like that, it becomes a circle of fourths! However the mnemonic still works. BEAD Goes the Circle of Fourths.

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