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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Mike Peace Tulsa, Ok - Hohner Repair
Mike Peace Tulsa, Ok - Hohner Repair
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55 posts
Aug 13, 2010
12:54 PM
Heres something in case it helps -
Mike Peace, his website - mpr66ch.blogspot.com/

I sent him a couple of Special 20s with bad reeds and he patched them up for me. He gets 15 bucks for a Special 20 repair,"...includes ultrasonic cleaning, replacing any bad reeds, check gapping, and tuning better than factory specs, and opening up the backs for more volume". Sounds pretty good for 15 and some postage, don't you think?

I dont know if he does anything with makes other than Hohner but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Of course you could spend a little more money and get a new harp instead and you probably wouldn't have to wait as long for it. We all know that the problem there is that you might just get another new harp that is in bad need of some kind of work.

I already had spares in the key of the harps that I needed to have repaired so I tried Mike with the idea that I would be more likely to wind up with a decent harp for the money spent as long as he did what he had proposed on his website. It worked out pretty good for me.

What really surprised me was the turnaround time. I don't watch my PO box very closely so that I don't really know if I got the harps back in 2 weeks or 3, but it was something thereabouts. Since he is also a customizer I had expected to wait a lot longer. Safe guess is your experiences could vary depending on how busy he is.

Just be advised, as far as opening the covers goes, if you are one of those guys who has to have your harps in immaculate cosmetic condition then you might want to have Mike forego opening the covers. It looks like he makes quick work of it with a pair of pliers or the like. However he does it you get a slightly uneven appearance along the metal edges. Doesn't mean a thing to me. My plastic 30 dollar OTB harps don't have to look like jewelry. I'm happy if they sound right. He does good work.

So if maybe you have a favorite harp that just has a bad reed and you don't work on the things yourself you might want to give Mike a shot at it. He doesn't specify but maybe be nice and send a self addressed mailer along with your harps to save the man some time. Also make sure that you communicate exactly what it is that you would like to have done to your harmonica. Probably be good to do that in an initial E mail and then after he responds enclose a reminder letter with the harps to be repaired.

If anyone knows of any others who do good repair work on diatonics please post us some info here. Thanks.
Hobostubs Ashlock
960 posts
Aug 13, 2010
1:13 PM
does he give lessons i live about 40 miles away from tulsa but i have no idea of the harmonica scene there.
56 posts
Aug 13, 2010
1:22 PM
Hey I don't know Hobo but I think he's a pro or semi at least. You might want to E mail him, see what he says- mmpeace@cox.net
Hobostubs Ashlock
961 posts
Aug 13, 2010
1:43 PM
thanks chickenthief ill do that.
2490 posts
Aug 13, 2010
2:24 PM
Chicken, I just added him to my customizer thread. Thanks.

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