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best harmonica videos:
blues harp performances to inspire you


This page offers a selection of the very best blues harmonica performance videos available on YouTube.  (If you're looking for the best harmonica VIDEO LESSONS, please click HERE.)  Some feature dazzling technique.  Others feature tone to die for, or the bluesiest kind of passion-filled playing, or incredible showmanship, or serious in-the-pocket groove.  Some are here because they exemplify quieter virtues:  funky down-home flavor, or a perfect embodiment of traditional playing.  The Charlie Sayles video is here not because the harp playing itself is dazzling, but because the man and his song, harmonica-powered, are as raw, real, and--yes--bluesy as anything you will ever find on YouTube, or in real life.

Many of these videos were suggested in response to a query on the Modern Blues Harmonica forum seeking nominations for videos that showcase top-of-the-line performances.  There are hundreds and hundreds of blues harmonica videos on YouTube featuring the playing of the world's top pros, living and dead.  For a video to find a place below, it has to rise to the very top of that pile.  It needs to be truly exceptional, superb, inspiring.   

We hope you enjoy the selection below. 




























Modern Blues Harmonica supports

§The Jazz Foundation of America


§The Innocence Project




ADAM GUSSOW is an official endorser for HOHNER HARMONICAS