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For Sale or Trade:
sell your harmonica gear here
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Welcome to the gear-for-sale subforum of the MBH forum!  In order to post here, you will need to register.  Please follow the registration process described at the top of the regular MBH forum.  (If you are already a member of the MBH forum, you will automatically be able to post here.)

This subforum is intended SOLELY for those individuals and small-scale entrepreneurs who have harmonica-related equipment, new or used, to sell or trade, and for those looking to purchase such equipment.  Such equipment includes (but is not limited to) the following:  harmonicas (stock and custom), mics, amps, cases, footpedals and rack-mounted sound processing equipment, tuners and other equipment used by customizers, bandoliers and belts.  Please confine threads to those topics.

This subforum is NOT a general gear-head forum designed for the discussion of stuff that is NOT for sale.  Only post here if you actually have something to sell or trade, or if you are querying somebody who does.  General gear-head threads--about design or customizing ideas, challenges, problems or issues, or cool gear you've recently purchased or are just interested in chatting about, or about specific manufacturers, customizers, or purveyors--should be confined to the main forum.

This subforum is NOT intended as a corporate catalogue (i.e., a place where Seydel, Suzuki, Lee Oskar, and Hohner sales reps start threads intended to display ongoing product lines).  The occasional thread from a major manufacturer letting folks know about a new and innovative harp-related product is OK, as long as the product is actually for sale.  It may be assumed that participants in this forum are interested in knowing about such cutting-edge things, whether they are the creation of corporations or individuals.  If you are specifically interested in generating conversation, discussion, and debate about gear types, models, brands, and product lines, however, the main forum is the proper venue, whether you are a corporation or individual.    

This subforum is NOT to be used for other profit-seeking motives--i.e., to advertise harmonica lessons or workshops or concerts and other gigs or job openings.

If in doubt about any of this, please email Adam Gussow (asgussow at aol dot com) and you'll get a quick answer.

Flaming and any other form of personal, professional, and/or technical disparagement are strictly prohibited.  If you engage in such behavior and your transgressions are brought to the attention of the moderators, you will be banished from this and all MBH forums.

Have fun!

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  Topic Posts Started By Last Post Date
Topic Seydel Silver key of D with an extra Zajak comb 3 AaronCollis
Mar 04, 2025 10:02 AM
Topic Concerto Steel Wanted 1 HappyJ
Mar 03, 2025 09:22 AM
Topic Suzuki Manji Sky Bb 2 AaronCollis
Mar 03, 2025 09:19 AM
Topic WEE VERB WAH Harmonica Resonator 4 ROBERT TEMPLE II
Feb 23, 2025 09:46 AM
Topic Marine Band converted to screws/SP20 aluminum comb 1 AaronCollis
Feb 01, 2025 06:38 PM
Topic D Paddy Richter Seydel Session Steel 1 AaronCollis
Feb 01, 2025 04:49 PM
Topic Seydel Mountain Harp Double-Sided Tremolo G/C 1 AaronCollis
Feb 01, 2025 02:50 PM
Topic Kinder AFB 1 Pluto
Jan 21, 2025 01:05 PM
Topic Kinder AFB 1 Pluto
Jan 21, 2025 01:05 PM
Topic Joel Andersson custom Hohner Rockets 2 BluesDog
Jan 17, 2025 04:58 AM
Topic Like new Hohner marine band deluxe Bb 45$ 1 sonvolt13
Nov 29, 2024 05:03 AM
Topic Extra harps 1 ME.HarpDoc
Jul 30, 2024 08:42 AM
Topic FS Sonny Jr Cruncher, Digitech RP350 3 Diver4242
Apr 21, 2024 11:15 AM
Topic Wanted Hohner MS Cover Plates Used 3 Piro39
Apr 02, 2024 01:13 PM
Topic Memphis Mini Pedals 2 KC69
Mar 11, 2024 06:33 PM
Topic Butterfield pistol grip 5455 & other mics, stuff 2 Diver4242
Jan 02, 2024 06:58 AM
Topic Trade: Ultimate 58 for Bulletini with VC 1 JimmyRugemer
Dec 24, 2023 06:59 AM
Topic Jason Ricci Signature Edition Custom Harmonicas 1 florida-trader
Dec 18, 2023 07:17 AM
Topic Gussow's 1955 Bassman 5D6-A for sale 1 kudzurunner
Dec 15, 2023 04:46 AM
Topic Custom Harp Amp 1 Lou
Dec 04, 2023 10:44 AM
Topic Harp Attack 2 Tonyblues
Doc Smith
Aug 30, 2023 09:06 AM
Topic Quilter MicroPro Mach 2 2 ME.HarpDoc
Aug 04, 2023 01:57 PM
Topic Stage 5 amp - JD Taylor version including line out 1 sonvolt13
Jul 16, 2023 07:06 AM
Topic Vintage Maxi Mouse Amp 1 LSC
Jun 03, 2023 08:30 AM
Topic Customised pre-war marine band, key of C 4 Sundancer
May 29, 2023 11:05 AM