Adam writes: "For many years the public has known me primarily as a harmonica player, but when I first picked up the instrument at age 16, more than 30 years ago, I picked up the guitar at exactly the same moment. The two instruments are uniquely compatible: the many years I spent learning how to play blues (and jazz) guitar and the time I spent in bands as a guitarist have greatly strengthened my harp playing by developing my harmonic knowledge, the subtlety of my blues pitches, my sense of groove, and, most importantly, MY ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE WITH BLUES GUITARISTS.
"Charlie Hilbert is one of my very favorite blues guitarists. I'm delighted that he's finally decided to share his knowledge on the subject of blues guitar with the general public. If you're a developing blues harmonica player who wants to journey even deeper into the blues, I urge you to sample his materials below. He's going to be adding to them by and by, but even this first sampling of his wares will show you why I'm excited."
for beginning and early intermediate players:
Counting a 12-bar Blues and More
Includes: Counting a 12 bar in E
- A cool riff that you can use in any blues song: the middle part of “My Babe,” which is also the bass line to “Caldonia”
- How to play A7, D9, and E7 in a 12 bar blues in A (with chord diagrams)
- Some aimless riffing and a blues ninja
for intermediate players:
A Blues Sampler
Learn some signature riffs of two blues greats: Freddie King and Elmore James, and learn the exact note-for-note intro to T-Bone Walker’s “The Hustle is on.”
Crosscut Saw
A note-for-note tutorial explaining how to play the intro to "Crosscut Saw," one of Albert King's signature pieces.
Charlie's new album, RIGHTEOUS BLUES, is available for download at Tradebit. Just click on the photo below:
New York blues legend Charlie Hilbert has played the blues for forty years - from his time in the streets of NYC with harmonica master, Nat Riddles (documented in Adam Gussow’s book Mr. Satan’s Apprentice and on a MODERN BLUES HARMONICA release "El Cafe Street," available at, to his recent performances with Adam, headlining MUNDHARMONIKALIVE in Klingenthal, Germany, and teaching and playing at HILL COUNTRY HARMONICA in Oxford, Miss.
From Adam: "If you're interested in picking up an inexpensive beginner's guitar (less than $200) that looks and plays just like the natural finish Fender Telecaster that I first started on ($225 in 1974), check out the Squier Affinity Series Telecaster Special by clicking on the icon just below":