---------- I've been curious about this harp for a while. It sounds clean , clear and expressive when Jason plays it in his promo vids. I an eager to see if the truth "is in the Frost".
Anyone have experience with the Delta Frost, yay or nay?
My understanding is the Delta Frost is a rebranded Suzuki Harpmaster though that may be a chicken and egg thing as I'm not sure which came first. I use the Harpmaster acoustically only as it's bright and fairly loud. Inexpensive initial cost. Replacement reed plates are available.
I hope you ordered it from Rockin Ron. Bushman is notorious for not shipping product.
Most Suzuki harps are good. The Delta Frost is no exception. If I was going to play them, I would just buy the Harpmastet. Same instrument, different cover plates. ---------- The Blues Photo Gallery
My understanding is that the current model of the Harpmaster now has the phosphour bronze reeds, which would indeed make it virtually the same harp as the DF. I have several DF's and I like them quite well. I also have and have had a couple of older type HM's with brass reeds, and I like them too. Rockin Ron's now shows all the DF's in stock, where as he was showing many of them as on back order status. I know you've played the HM Ted, so I expect you'll like the DF too.
That's encouraging, harp-er. The Harpmaster is a solid instrument. I am looking for a new go to instrument that is versatile, expressive, durable and not expensive. He's hoping the DF fits the description. I will keep you posted. ---------- Ted Burke http://youtube.com/watch?v=-VPUDjK-ibQ&feature=relmfu
I noticed two things in the video that got my attention. He boasts about the stainless steel coverplates. Are the HarpMaster's coverplates Stainless?
Second, he says that they ship replacement reedplates on a comb. So for the price of the reedplates, you also get a new comb? Sounds like a sweet deal! Anyone have any experience with this? Is shipping extra?
"I hope you ordered it from Rockin Ron. Bushman is notorious for not shipping product."
I've heard mixed things about this issue. From what I understand, for some time Bushman's direct sales and distribution responsibilities were under the care of Harp Depot. Now, any sort of failure to ship, I can most certainly believe about Harp Depot. I've tried contacting them on multiple occasions with absolutely no response. I've heard tell from a few of my fellow local harp players of the same problems. I think John Hall caught a lot of flak from these issues. I might have my story mixed up about all of this, but from the brief preiod I was interested in Bushman harps, that's how I recall the situation.
On another note, did anyone ever give the Soul's Voice a try? ----------
Hawkeye Kane
Last Edited by on Jan 07, 2013 7:30 AM
Rockin Ron says on his site that the replacement reed plates sometimes come with a comb and sometimes they don't. Go figure. In any case, he sells them for $21 shipped.
If you buy the reed plates for Delta Frost, be sure you get the welded reeds , the riveted reeds are not as responsive. At least that was my experience. The replacement reeds with comb is a great deal, if you get the welded suzuki type reeds. IMHO.
@Hawkeye - I can't speak to their distribution problems. I don't really care about their partnerships. If I purchase a product online, I expect to have my order fulfilled and delivered within reasonable time frames.
Based on a blog entry of my experiences, Bushman was still having problems delivering product as late as 2012. It also looks like he has had some issues paying performers and vendors at his festivals as recently as 2011.
For me, it's a 3 way tie between Delta Frost, Special 20, and Bluesmaster. For example, I prefer all 3 over my more expensive Promasters. If you want to do reed repairs, then go Special 20 which has rivets. All my Delta Frost and Bluesmaster harps have welded reeds.
I currently carry 9 harps on a belt. 2 Delta Frost 2 Promaster 1 Bluesmaster 4 Special 20
I have taken Promaster reeds and put them on a Delta Frost comb.
I have odered Delta Frost reedplates from Rockin Ron and recieves the reedplate with a comb. ---------- theharmonicaclub.com (of Huntington, WV)
I don't agree Jim. I've had both. They are kinda like human twins; they look alike, came from the same place, but yet they are individuals with their own unique traits. ---------- Wisdom does not always come with old age. Sometimes old age arrives alone.
Sarge, I think it's in the tuning. DF harps have a shrill tone, kind of gritty. The Harpmasters I had were smoother, not shrill, I suspect the DF is tuned a bit sharp.
BTW: received an ipod for Christmas. After I finished uploading I noticed :Sarge 2 Step" in my music list. Forgot I had that, nice tune!
Last Edited by on Jan 07, 2013 3:57 PM
@HK. I tried the Soul's Voice a few years ago. A responsive harp but too delicate for my playing style - at that time anyway. Reeds went south quicker than with any other harp I've played before or since. ----------
Jim Rumbaugh: You can replace welded reeds quite easily. You torque them off and them put them back on with a screw. You tape the new reed on and then drill through both the new reed and plate. Enlarge the reed's hole, tap the reedplate and pop in the screw.
...Sounds a lot worse than it is!
Rbeetsme: I spoke with John Hall today (the guy in the video from Bushman Harmonicas). Delta Frosts are indeed set up differently.
I wouldn't imagine that he would say they are the same. He would never sell another Delta Frost with his low quality of customer service. I'll trust Brendan Power on this one. He seems like an honest guy. If he says they are the same and he has, I believe him.
Joe: What did I expect him to say? I expected a two-minute conversation but we spoke for more than a half an hour. Did not expect that. And I respect that you say positive things about the harp despite your bad experiences with John Hall.
It's very interesting that most of the responses are positive about the harp (all but one, actually. Pretty good average). ----------
Last Edited by on Jan 08, 2013 3:23 AM
i got some frosts that are close to 10 years old! even a couple that i leave in the car year round still play well. there is a 30 day blow out warranty, but i have never needed it.
and, btw, john hall puts on a great blues fest in nashville, indiana- the bean blossom blues fest. (which jason has played numerous times.) and john is starting another blues fest in rothbury(?), michigan. the man is trying to keep the blues alive!
and what do you think, mike? i think, he realized that, due to his suzuki endorsement, he is treading on dangerous ground. jason has a record of being impulsive. he feels indebted to john for being a friend and helping him out in a tough point in his life and saw a way to repay the debt and have some fun. this might have led to a decision that he didnt think through. but to attempt to get folks to believe that the busker isnt him?? that is insulting, imo, unless it is part of a joke.
Well, I guess it doesn't really matter who it is, the videos show the tone and playability of the Delta Frost. I think John should make others showing how the harp does with different styles, genres, etc. ---------- Wisdom does not always come with old age. Sometimes old age arrives alone.
I think I don't care, lol. I also think that the DF is strikingly similar to the Harpmaster. I think people jump to negative conclusions extremely fast. I also think the videos are funny. ---------- Custom Harmonicas
The proof is in the playing, so I am reserving judgement on the DF. What I do know is that I've read a plenitude of positive comments from good harmonica players about the brand's virtues and that I've considered getting one for awhile. Jason's video made the the harp sound crisp, expressive, and that was the tipping point. I await my order from Harp Depot with considerable anticipation. ---------- Ted Burke http://youtube.com/watch?v=-VPUDjK-ibQ&feature=relmfu
eharp, ultimately, isn't a Delta Frost a Suzuki anyway?
One of our old forum friends is cataloging his wait on some overdue Delta Frosts on Facebook. 50+ days and counting, although I imagine it takes longer to get the print right-side up for you Australians. :)
I knew it! Brad in disguise! (BTW: we have now managed to mention all 3 names guaranteed to cause a stir on the forum)
Last Edited by on Jan 08, 2013 4:46 PM
Joe_L, that might be the easiest thing to do, but I suspect NOD's online vengeance might be worse than a charge back. (Routing for you NOD).
eharp, no, the only time I gave Jason any legal advice was in his thread about the guy whose gold plating was flaking off of the harmonicas. I suggested Jason file an appeal with the AG. :)
rbeetsme, I don't know if Brad would risk surfacing; He's more elusive than Salman Rushdie. I do feel bad for him. It's got to be rough to be so reviled, especially if you had good intentions.
There are a few names more reviled in the harp world. Bob Dylan comes to mind...
In all seriousness, I agree, I'm sure Brad had only honorable intentions. I too was excited to have a harmonica that was really new, re-designed from the ground up with space-age technology. My only complaint (sold the 1 I received) I didn't care for the tone, not sure why, but it was too cold or something. I had the same complaint about the Seydel Saxony chromatic I had (sold it too) I didn't care for the tone of the stainless reeds. I'm sure PT would disagree.
Last Edited by on Jan 08, 2013 7:34 PM
About 2.5 years ago, I placed an order with Bushman for 2 or 3 Delta Frost harps. My credit card was charged right away, but several weeks passed and no harps received. I called Bushman and spoke with John Hall. He told me some sob story, but in the end, he sent my harps. I really liked those harps, so I decided to take John’s word that his troubles had been straightened out, and in January 2011, I ordered two more harps and a set of reedplates. Again, my credit card was charged right away, but weeks passed with no harps delivered. I called Bushman and left messages on the machine 3-4 times with no response. I sent several e-mails with no response. I could have gotten a refund from my credit card, but I wanted the harps. I finally wrote an old-fashioned letter (pen and paper!), and this time, John called me at home with another, long and sad story. He said I would be getting my order within the next week or two. That was almost 2 years ago, and I still haven’t received that order or a refund. I decided to end my pursuit of Delta Frost harmonicas.
On Sunday, I saw TheoBurke’s post, and I went to view the YouTube video. It kinda ticked me off, and I posted a comment on the video alluding to my unfavorable dealings with John Hall. Thirty seconds later (literally!), my phone rang, and it was John Hall. He went off on some rant about giving people second chances and such, and I let him vent for a short while. Then I cut him off and reminded him of our past dealings. He calmed down, and then he told me the latest version of his sob story. He also offered to refund my money from 2 years ago. I told him I preferred the products I ordered. He said he would send me the harps and reedplates right away, and he said he would throw in an extra harp for my troubles. He asked me what key I wanted. Yesterday, I got an e-mail shipping notice with a tracking number for the Delta Frost harp order, so I should be getting them in a day or two.
As far as I’m concerned, John and I are all square. Maybe I’m a gullible pushover, but I’m pulling for John to get back on his feet and make a success in the harp business. I will also likely consider future Delta Frost orders.
WV Tom I can sympathize with your ordeal. I had a simlar experience with John but fortunately it only took about 3 months to resolve. I was told my credit card wouldn't be charged until my order shipped but it was charged on day 1. I was also told that the harps I wanted were out of stock but would be in by the end of the week.
After 2 weeks passed I called John and was told that there were some delivery problems with the vender but that they should be here by the end of the week. 2 weeks later I still had no harps and after another call to John I would get the same story as before. 4 more weeks passed so I decided to try communicating by email because at this point I was so ticked off I wasn't sure I could contain my anger in a phone call. 4 emails over the course of 2 weeks and no response.
In my last email to him I asked that my order to be cancelled (6 harps) and that my money be refunded. In the meantime I ordered a set of bluesmasters from Rockin Ron's and had them less than a week later.
I finally decided to try and call John one last time before turning the matter over to my bank. He answers the phone and low and behold claims he was just fixing to call me to let me know he was shipping the harps and just wanted to verify I still lived at the same address. I told him I sent him an email canceling the order 2 weeks earlier and asked him why I never heard back from him. He said he had hired someone to handle his email for him and he must not have gotten caught up yet.
After informing him that no longer needed the harps I decided to purchase a lone C harp since he now had the harps in hand and I really wanted a DF from the start since I had heard such good things about them. About a week later I had my harp and I have to admit I really like it and wish I had a full set over the bluesmasters I purchased.
I'm not posting this to bash John or his business. Its hard not to like him when you actually talk with him and I would much rather give him my money than some foreign company. I really am hoping for him to succeed but I think for that to have the best chance of happening he needs to think hard and fast about improving his customer service skills. That means a lot to the consumer and when it comes down to choosing between 2 businesses with similar products of similar quality "customer service" gets the sale everytime.
For now my advice to to anyone wanting to purchase a DF would be to contact John personally and make sure the harps are in stock. Don't blindly order over their website because they more than likely will show that the harps are in stock when in fact that's not the case. When I placed my order the site showed over 500 harps in stock when in fact there were none. I later asked John about that and he said if he put zero on the site that nobody would place an order. John I love ya brother and wish you the best but that kind of mentality can kill a business.
People can and will forgive a mistake as long as you're being honest and upfront from the beginning. I believe John is a good guy and really means well and I hope he is able to overcome these problems because the DF really is a great product.
My 2 cents. Most of the reviews of the DF are positive. The complaints all seem to center on the owner of Bushman. I don't currently play DFs, but I still have a few laying around and they are responsive loud harps, easy to play. If you want an inexpensive car harp or one to give away to a beginner, it's hard to fault them. The problem seems to occur in the ordering, it's a crap shoot, "does he have them in stock or not?" My advise, give John a call, try one, but make him prove himself. If he tells you he has it in stock, ask for a double your money back guarantee if it doesn't arrive in a week. Good luck. And report back here if you too think that "The Power is in the Frost"
Last Edited by on Jan 09, 2013 10:07 AM
from rbeetsme "In all seriousness, I agree, I'm sure Brad had only honorable intentions. I too was excited to have a harmonica that was really new, re-designed from the ground up with space-age technology. My only complaint (sold the 1 I received) I didn't care for the tone, not sure why, but it was too cold or something. I had the same complaint about the Seydel Saxony chromatic I had (sold it too) I didn't care for the tone of the stainless reeds. I'm sure PT would disagree"
i really like the B-Rad tone but these things are soooo subjective. i can't stand the sound of Seydel chromatic harps. at first, i thought i did and liked the pricing.
they are really well made and have very smooth slide action- even on the budget models, but they aren't for me.
anything stainless steel sounds dull to my ears.
---------- MP affordable reed replacement and repairs.
"making the world a better place, one harmonica at a time"
click user name [MP] for info- repair videos on YouTube. you can reach me via Facebook. Mark Prados
Last Edited by on Jan 09, 2013 11:10 AM
Joe_L- It's over on the Harmonica Jam Facebook page. I don't know how to get it to go straight down to the thread in question, so you'll have to scroll down a little. So far it's just a post commenting how late it is and a list of horror stories from other customers.
Wow! What an interesting read. I apologize to Adam for coming on his forum. Normally, I try to respect other forum owners, and stick to only posting my own forum. Adam, you're a gracious host - it was nice talking to you this morning. I hope you can come lead the Advanced Harmonica Seminar at our new Delta Frost Blues Fest coming this September 7th in Michigan - I would love it if it works out.
First of all, Joe Lempkowski (Joe_L on here) is a name that you may not know, but I know him very, very well. When my mother tries to show her friends about her son's business, she doesn't know to type my website in her URL bar, she simply puts Bushman Music in the google search bar and up comes Joe's Blog in which he has spent the last 26 months bashing me! I'm a very social person - I'm out all of the time meeting new and old friends - frequently a person will ask if I'm ok b/c they read Joe's blog, and I must be going out of business. It's become a constant source of embarrassment and shame for me. I felt terrible when his $25 order didn't get handled right. I would've been happy to give him an immediate refund - he is right, he shouldn't been charged in the first place. But now Joe has made it his mission in life to harm and embarrass me, and to hurt my business. I have a family, two wonderful sons; Joe has cost me an easy $50,000.00 in lost sales - I'm sure that's a conservative number. There are ways I could get his blog off of the internet. I could also return the favor and put up a website showing him as a horrible, miserable human who has no other purpose in life but to hurt an Indiana family, and the only American harmonica brand. But I decided to leave it alone. I want his blog there. It makes me better everyday. I made some terrible personal and business decisions in 2006. I made choices and mistakes I will never make again. I had a very successful business selling the Delta Frost harmonica, and for a while, the number 1 selling ukulele in the country, my Bushman Jenny. Then in 2006, I went through a divorce, a 3 year long tax audit that cost me over $50k to defend, and another $40k in penalties, and then I did what every person should do if they want to ruin their live's completely, I opened a bar and restaurant! The recession hit, and often I found myself struggling to have the money to get harmonicas in and get orders shipped out on time. The bar was a terrible distraction of my time. The excellent reputation for customer service that I'd built from 1996 - 2004 was now taking hits since I couldn't run the bar and answer the harmonica calls. I reached a point in 2011 where I realized that, even though the bar business was starting to make money, I could never give both businesses the attention they deserved, and the music business was my true love. I closed the bar on 6-30-11, and set out on a mission to turn Bushman around. We began filling orders faster. We've won back the love and trust of many great customers. 2012 was a year of rebuilding for us. Early on, I made a commitment to answer every single phone call that comes in. Our normal phone hours are Mon - Fri from 10am until 5pm - I answer every call, but if I'm on the only line we have when you call, I'll call you back within 1 hour. I even give customers my private cell phone which is 317-250-8156 and let them know they can call me anytime they need to. Communication is key. Everyday in 2012 Bushman got stronger. We're coming back to the glory days of 2004 and 2005, and I plan to keep going even beyond that. I am very excited about 2013. My Bean Blossom Blues Fest continues to be a blessing and success, not only to me, but to all who attend. I've never been involved with something so successful as the Bean, but Joe says a musician didn't get paid. In the 15 years I've put on the Bean, not one single, musician has not gotten paid.
More to come,
John Hall Bushman Music Works 812-334-4420 office 317-250-8156 cell
Last Edited by on Jan 10, 2013 2:32 AM
I love the factory who makes the Delta Frost. I am under a very strict, legally binding agreement to never divulge that factory's name. I can assure you, I didn't copy the Delta Frost - it's my design. I have my original design papers, I have the original agreement between myself and the factory. The Delta Frost is exactly what I want in a harmonica. Bushman might bring other harmonicas and other improvements to the harmonica trade, but my first love will always be the Delta Frost. I won't stop selling it. I'm proud of it. When rbeetsme says "It's an inexpensive car harp or one to give away to beginner" that's a slap in face to me, and to the many great musician's out there making a living with it. Adam Crabb doesn't think it's a harp to give to a beginner! He makes a fabulous living in music, and he loves the Delta Frost. There's a video of Ronnie Shellist playing the Delta Frost on my website - I wonder if rbeetsme can make his "expensive" harmonicas sound like that? At some point, we need to get back to music, and off the foolish insults. Car harp? Really Rick? I take this stuff personally!