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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > 6 keys on the Newton Fourkey diatonic
6 keys on the Newton Fourkey diatonic
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534 posts
Apr 04, 2013
8:37 AM
6 keys on the Newton Fourkey diatonic
15 minutes of your time you will never get back!
6648 posts
Apr 04, 2013
12:24 PM
Does anyone know if they've ever made a chord harp using a chromatic slider? You play a single hole with the slider out and you get a single note, you play it with the slider in you get a chord? (I know that would require a third set of reeds or some crazy layout.)

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3104 posts
Feb 13, 2023
7:22 AM
I am back to studying this tuning, and hope to post a video soon of Layla with harp and guitar.
Chorus is Dm (which matches the blow plane) and the verses are E (which matches the draw plane).
Not quite ready for Giant Steps, but this tune alone reaffirms my faith in the tuning.
3105 posts
Feb 13, 2023
10:11 AM

Last Edited by Gnarly on Feb 15, 2023 4:53 PM

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