2790 posts
Jun 05, 2014
10:36 AM
I just made this for my own use, and thought I'd share. It's formatted to print in landscape mode on a single 8.5x11" piece of paper (A4 users may have to reformat). It should be big enough to read in the dark or at a distance...
Here's a PNG:
Here's a PDF version.
And here's the original Excel file, that you can edit to your hearts content.
PS, I only included positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 12 because those are the only ones that I'd really use during a performance. I prefer to use another harp or tuning system rather than the other possible positions because I think it sounds better (and it's easier!). ---------- YouTube! Soundcloud!
Last Edited by isaacullah on Jun 05, 2014 10:39 AM
157 posts
Jun 05, 2014
11:11 AM
That's pretty cool Isaac, very helpful to have a visual. I recently added this to my case and really wish I had it years ago. I stole parts and pieces from all over the web and most notably from hvyj right here.
I am interested to see what others have in there harp case..
1572 posts
Jun 05, 2014
1:10 PM
How about a Guidonian hand?
157 posts
Jun 05, 2014
1:18 PM
Thank you, Issac. Nicely done.
4458 posts
Jun 06, 2014
3:39 AM
Long jam tracks are excellent to give your ears a chance to listen to what your playing as well time to hone in and really listen to the other musicians....
You have the opportunity to get a real feel for the sound and notes on the harp as you have ample time to explore them in many differentt ways :)
Grab you Db, which is a sweet key and be prepared to have a lot of fun ....
Last Edited by Frank on Jun 06, 2014 3:46 AM
2793 posts
Jun 06, 2014
6:20 AM
Glad some folks have found that reference chart useful! No offense, but I think it's much more useful than a Guidonian Hand! ;)
----------   YouTube! Soundcloud!