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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > HarmoniCollege is 1 month away
HarmoniCollege is 1 month away
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Jim Rumbaugh
1390 posts
Feb 28, 2022
5:30 PM
HarmoniCollege is April 1 & 2 in Huntington, WV.

If you want a hint of what the jams are like, here's some clips and pics from 2014. It's different every year, but always feels the same, wonderful.

more info at www.hhcwv.com

theharmonicaclub.com (of Huntington, WV)
2304 posts
Apr 08, 2022
9:36 AM
Jim, how did it turn out last weekend? Any audio or video you could share?

I got my 2nd booster yesterday. I wish I could have had it 3 or 4 weeks ago so I could have felt it was OK to attend.

Doug S.
Jim Rumbaugh
1391 posts
Apr 09, 2022
8:29 AM
@doug, sorry , no video or audio
HarmoniCollege 2022 was a success. We had 15 enrolled. Sandy Weltman did a wonderful job of teaching. He even made music theory understandable. Fri and Saturday Jam music was supplied by Bruce Clay and Chris Sutton on guitars. On Saturday Karen Combs joined them with guitar and vocals along with Brent Williams on drums and vocals.
Yesterday, I received a pleasant thank you letter from one of the alumni. It said:
A note of thanks for putting on an outstanding HarmoniCollege this past weekend. Sandy was a great instructor and even though some of the material was beyond my musical knowledge, it pushed me to learn more about what I don’t understand. I hope to show marked improvement in the future, Please give a shout out from me to your club members who attended. I would like to make a contribution to the club in your honor as I really don’t know how you put on such a good event with such a modest fee.. I am up and down the route for N.C to Cincinnati several times a year and may surprise you one Tuesday night and pop in to a meeting/jam session.
Thank you again
Steve Ilderton

theharmonicaclub.com (of Huntington, WV)

Last Edited by Jim Rumbaugh on Apr 09, 2022 8:43 AM
834 posts
Apr 11, 2022
9:15 AM
Some day I hope to make the long trip to harmonicollege
Wisdom does not always come with old age. Sometimes old age arrives alone.
201 posts
Apr 20, 2022
6:06 AM
Me too, Sarge. I thought about rescheduling a gig to go this year but was in the middle of a move so it'll have to wait. I'll bet Sandy was great. Not only a superb player but an excellent instructor.

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