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Bending on chromatic
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1783 posts
Nov 22, 2022
11:44 AM
One of the persistent faflse narratives about the chromatic is that it can't bend, or can't bend very far, or that it will bend "better" with half the valves removed.

Yet a fully valved chromatic will bend several semitones on both blow and draw notes in the two octaves starting from Middle C. A half-valved chromatic will give you only draw bends of no more than a semitone, the same bends you'd get in the middle octave of a standard diatonic. Those bends will be easier to control and sound more like diatonic bends, but offer a severely limited set of possibilities.

Here's a spontaneous car video I made a couple of days ago to demonstrate this, playing a melody in the key of A. With more practice, I could have hit the targeted pitches more accurately, but I think what I played illustrates the point.

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Last Edited by WinslowYerxa on Nov 22, 2022 12:03 PM
2333 posts
Nov 23, 2022
6:58 AM
Thanks for the video demo!

I have long known that bending is different on chromatic vs. diatonic. I knew that bending with chromatic valves allowed bigger pitch differences, though I never have pushed it to the extent in your demo.

I noodled on a chromatic for 10 years before starting to learn diatonic at age 21. Starting on diatonic bends I quickly became very aware of the differences in bending between chromatic and diatonic.

Over the years I have seen you post on different forums about chromatic bending allowing much wider bends and saw doubting responses.

Your video demo makes it very clear!

Doug S.
1784 posts
Nov 23, 2022
12:41 PM
Thqanks, Doug. I know you're more knowledgeable than most in this area. I've used this a little in my own recordings, though not pushing it to the extent I did here. Though I might if there was a good expressive reason and not just to demonstrate the potential or to show off.
Harmonica lessons with one of the world's foremost experts
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803 posts
Nov 23, 2022
4:42 PM
thanks so much

Starting foolin with chromatic
a couple years ago----on n off

primarily focusing on major scale---and learning where
[major 3 minor 3]---[ 5 n b5]---[ 7 and b7]
if incorrect in what Im calling things-feel free to correct

your post helps alot thanks
804 posts
Nov 23, 2022
4:43 PM
As Im still learning chromatic---

-ru using a C Chrokmatic?
1786 posts
Nov 23, 2022
6:40 PM
@snowman - Yes, I'm using a standard 3-octave, 12-hole C chromatic. The particular model is an Eastop T1248Z - not sure what the Z stands for.
Harmonica lessons with one of the world's foremost experts
Check out my blog and other goodies at winslowyerxa.com
Harmonica For Dummies, Second Edition with tons of new stuff

Last Edited by WinslowYerxa on Nov 23, 2022 6:40 PM
805 posts
Nov 24, 2022
9:08 AM

Happy Thanksgiving

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