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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Can I earn passive income by offering speech servi
Can I earn passive income by offering speech servi
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1 post
Mar 02, 2023
12:06 AM
Dear spammer, first off, your definition of passive income is wrong. You are talking about a side hustle. Passive income is something like earning income off of your stock portfolio. Turnkey, the next step down, is filling vending machines or whatever, where you have a business that needs relatively low time commitments (but again, require upfront capital).

Writing for other people is not passive income.

Now, about spamming this forum. I get it, you get paid to do it (for your boss, that's passive income, for you, it's a side hustle). Your goal isn't to get people here to click on the link, but to game the google site by having sites that have some traffic have some of your links on it. Since this site pops messages back to the top it means we spot spam fairly quickly and delete it and block you. It wastes my time, and it wastes your time. Find a more meaningful career as a busker. We offer harmonica lessons here... a lot of them are free. You can get a decent starter harmonica like an Easttop for under $20. Get one in C, learn to play the blues. The pay isn't great, but I doubt your pay for just posting links is great, but it brings joy (or blues!) to the world.

Sincerely yours,
An admin who does this for free

Last Edited by nacoran on Mar 02, 2023 3:13 PM
3109 posts
Mar 03, 2023
9:16 PM
Well, then, thanks for your attention to this matter.
Thanks for doing a thankless job.
Free reed, low pay.

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