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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > New Golden Melody Progressive right out of the box
New Golden Melody Progressive right out of the box
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ted burke
961 posts
Mar 05, 2023
7:12 PM

3110 posts
Mar 06, 2023
6:24 AM
Seems to be working for you!
ted burke
962 posts
Mar 06, 2023
10:01 AM
I like the dynamics I can get, but it seems leaky to me. The playablity is good, the expressiveness is wonderful when things work oaky doak, but it seems leaky. I am playing harder than I usually do here to get a tone I like. Thanks for listening and I hope you're well.
3112 posts
Mar 06, 2023
3:57 PM
I am doing ok (he he)—
Try taking the harp apart and putting it back together, see if that helps.
That’s what Winslow does . . .

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