Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! >
Jason needs our help
Jason needs our help
Topic Locked
1089 posts
Jul 15, 2010
1:58 AM
Jason, you may be interested to know that I have known Mick Staley for more than 20 years! (If you don't know who he is, ask for more details)
OK, maybe this will make it simpler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo_Templi_Orientis_%28Typhonian%29
I can get you his FB details if you want, or it may be that you want to stick with the Caliphate OTO. ---------- Andrew, gentleman of leisure, noodler extraordinaire.
Last Edited by on Jul 15, 2010 2:02 AM
Violin Cat
144 posts
Jul 15, 2010
2:20 AM
Thank you also Honkin on Bobo for your logical, calm, and reasonable responce to these accusations, gossip, cruel rumors, and destructive comments. Adam has contacted me a few times in a concerned but decided tone where I have more or less had to call him and explain each and every rumors details in painstaking detail. After each such call or email I would recieve another from him and often others causing me to have to relive these dramas over and over after each new rumor surfaced. This has been extremly emotionally taxing, time consuming, and hazardous to my health. I will say here I speak with Adam maybe three or four times a year usually concerning gigs or teaching. Chris Michalek is not a good friend. I had problems with Chris as many of you have including Adam well before these issues but I forgave him because I know his heart and respect his talent, however this has gone too far now that I have to defend my other friend who is actually trying to help me. Adam stated: "I will also say at this point that Lindros does NOT feel he did a smart or helpful thing in making the aforementioned video and asking people to send money to jason@jasonricci.com.
Please do not send money to that email address". Corey did indeed indicate to me today his uncertainty after making this video. This was entirely due to the misleading, slanderous, and dirt directly from a forum which I have contributed to much in the way of valuble information, lessons, help, and more. I SPOKE WITH COREY AFTER ADAM AD HE NOW FEELS CONFIDENT AGAIN OF HIS ALTRUISTIC, KIND AND LOVING GESTURE ONCE MORE DESPITE SOME ATTEMPTS TO SUEDE HIM. These type of threads are the reason you don't see ay other pro harmonica players WRITING to forums that mostly consist of people who should be practicing. I am done with this forum as I left Harp L over 4 years ago after being attacked viciously and for no reason concerning a matter completely different than this but including similar presumptuous and personal attacks. I don't have time or energy in my condition to explain in detail all of the issues I have been accused of and don't care to any way because its not worth it and it hurts. I am devastated by the remarks made here and couldn't even bring myself to read all of them. ---------- Meow Meow Meow
33 posts
Jul 15, 2010
3:26 AM
Bro you know there is much love for you in MBH Land i can see the concern of persons wishing to help out
i allso see there concern for wanting to make sure there money gets to you Bro nothing wrong with that give the ones who wish to help out a Break please don't insult them:) don't turn ya Back on the Brothers that wish to help you man:)
i do wish you well but I'm not to concerned about your personal life like you say every one can But out on that,it's no concern of anyone but you thats cool:)
Bro by saying you are Done with the Forum ok i gets radical at times but for all the good intensions and concern the Bro's are showing you,man by saying that to Me Thats one Hell of a Bitch slap in the Face ive read every post you have friends here, but there is much confusion about your well being and finacial state
again i see the concern and love persons are willing to share with you by them willing to help you out of a Hard time finacialy,
Im sure now that you have made it clear about the right contacts to make and forward money to you, allso that your friends intensions are good and valid that you will get some cash flow soon Bro please don't turn you back on these people there your Friends:)
Bro being From the land Downunder i was only just getting introduced to you man, and looking forward to seeing what direction you took next,
Hay i would like to Help out Now and i don't even know you never bought one of your albums so maybe it's time to help out in my own little way,
like i say iv'e never listen to your music so i would like to start from the very begining what was your very first Album release Im Up for it:)
Iv'e always looked at this funny world 50/50 Night Day Woman Man Laughter sorrow up down a smile a frown Love Hate to these things we all relate let the ones love you as they do the rest can get ?-cken Screwed:)
Stick around Bro ---------- Good Luck Bro:)
Last Edited by on Jul 15, 2010 3:57 AM
The Gloth
426 posts
Jul 15, 2010
3:49 AM
Jason, I think the people who care for you on this forum didn't just swallow all the rumors, we just waited until you or Adam say the truth about it, personnaly I take rumors for what they are : rumors.
Hurting remarks... well, being someone exposed, you can't avoid that sometimes, but I'm sure the large majority of people on this forum are well intended and concerned about your health and the problems you are facing, and just want to help.
I don't feel there were attacks against Corey Landros, just some logical suspicion because nobody here had heard of him before and because of the fact your laptop being stolen and the possibility that your passwords would be hijacked, and so on. Now you've clarified this, there can be no more speculation about it.
Anyway, I wish you a rapid recovering and to see you back in business soon.
---------- http://www.buddybrent.be
1663 posts
Jul 15, 2010
4:38 AM
Thanks for posting, Jason. I know I'm not alone in saying that we're all relieved to hear from you.
This thread has now served whatever purpose it had. Before I lock it, however, I need to offer a few clarifications.
First, this thread--with its admittedly troubling and awkward non-dialogue about Jason's "problems"--would not have come into being if Corey Lindros hadn't thrown the bombshell of his video out into cyberspace. A plea for money piggybacked on a long enumeration of Jason's disasters, coming from someone whom nobody here had ever heard of and yet issued on Jason's YouTube channel was GUARANTEED to get tongues wagging.
The video, with its multiple misspellings and hey-look-at-me-I'm-Jason's-friend element, was a hot mess. It certainly raised more questions than it answered. What sort of advocate was THIS? And could he be trusted? In the absence of concrete information from the source (Jason), conversation was inevitably going to flow. Good people wanted to help Jason but didn't want to be scammed. This is precisely as it should be. Lots of people who might rush to help Jason pay medical expenses, for example, might be confused about the bait-and-switch plea, mid-video, for help in creating a new website--expecially when the email address where money was supposed to be sent was from the OLD website, jasonricci.com.
A hot mess.
Second, the fact that all this rumor-mongering--above all the rumor-mongering in the video--was taking place on this website and in this forum put yours truly in a difficult position. I know how to be discreet. I know how to distinguish between public and private. Although I have put a fair bit of my own private story into my writing and my videos, I haven't put all of it. I haven't put my wife into my videos, for example. When it came to Jason's story--well, I've said almost nothing about it publicly for the past six months, even as I've gotten urgent calls and emails from many people, some of whom I know and some of whom I know only by name and reputation. I've said nothing about them here. Correction: I've said nothing about them here until my hand was forced by the video. At that point, and only then, I referenced them as a way--IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY DIRECT COMMUNICATION FROM JASON, EITHER PRIVATELY OR IN THIS FORUM--of performing a public service for the members of the forum. The members of this forum don't deserve to be scammed. There were enough signs of a scam--or at least a big fat problem--that I did what my own sense of integrity demand that I do. My apologies to Jason if he feels that I went over the line. I did what I felt I had to do.
Thirdly, I exchanged three emails yesterday with Corey Lindros. His first email was an attempt to insist that his video plea was legit. It was so bizarre, and did so little to reassure me about either Jason's condition or Corey's own role in the matter, that I asked Corey not to contact me again. He sent two more emails. I'm sure he means well, but Jason, in my view, made a big mistake in letting Corey dramatize the Jason Ricci Story.
Fourth, just for the record I'll reiterate something I said earlier: if Jason has medical bills that he needs help with, I'm ready to make myself, this forum, and this website available to assist with that.
Jason, we all hold your playing in the highest regard and care deeply for your welfare. Go in peace.