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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Clarksdale
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15 posts
May 09, 2024
10:03 AM
OK ,I am older, poor and would be traveling alone ( perfect bluesman , right). I have been to most historic blues spots. Before I retired, I traveled through out the South but never got to the Clarksdale area

I would be driving from Miami( about 900 miles) and the Delta visit would be the only reason for the trip

Is it worth it ? Or like most places these days- just another town ?
7118 posts
May 10, 2024
9:09 PM
I have only been there one time, almost exactly 6 years ago.
I don’t have much to compare it with in the way of other towns as I haven’t been to a lot of places in the US, but I would go there again for sure if it didn’t involve 15 hours air travel each way and 65 cents on the dollar by way of currency exchange.
Timing was good for me. I got to hear Bob Margolin, Bob Corritore, Bob Stroger, John Primer, played a jam using Deak’s rig at the Bluesberry, met Robert Kimborough Sr, and a lot of other little adventures that maybe not everybody visiting would experience. In any case it was a memorable experience for me but it’s not exactly Disneyland

Last Edited by SuperBee on May 10, 2024 9:10 PM
821 posts
May 13, 2024
6:35 AM
Delta Blues Museum, Shackup Inn, The commissary, Deak Harp(Tell him I said hello) Charlie Musselwhite, 19th street Red (Tell him I said hello) Morgan Freeman's Ground Zero Blues Club, etc etc etc


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