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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > High notes using Google Meet sounding squeeky.
High notes using Google Meet sounding squeeky.
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David miles
1 post
Jun 21, 2024
3:34 AM
Hi Everyone.
New member here. First post. I have one sister hundreds of miles away and another sister thousands of miles away in the uk. We are all meeting up once per week to play our "C" diatonic harps. The problem is that we have tried a few video conferencing platforms and google meet appears to be the best, but even that one makes all notes above hole five very squeeky sounding. Has anyone tried playing on a video conferencing platform that sounds OK?

David Miles.
1 post
Aug 12, 2024
5:49 PM
Hi @geometry dash world
Zoom and Microsoft Teams are two alternatives to Google Meet. Integrated with Microsoft 365, team collaboration tools, file sharing, chat, and video conferencing. It is ideal for businesses and organizations who currently use Microsoft 365 or have sophisticated collaboration capabilities

Last Edited by himaltruistic on Aug 14, 2024 5:27 PM
1 post
Aug 28, 2024
8:15 PM
@boxing random
While Google Meet is convenient, it isn't optimized for streaming high-quality music. Zoom is a popular alternative because it offers the option to enable "Original Audio" in its audio settings. This setting disables audio compression and echo cancellation, allowing for better sound quality during musical performances.

Last Edited by candlenoise on Aug 28, 2024 8:16 PM

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