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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Change 440Hz A Flat reed plates to 432 Hz
Change 440Hz  A Flat reed plates to 432 Hz
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Roy Ale
9 posts
Jul 15, 2024
3:58 PM
I have too many A flat harps and one set of A flat Seydel reed plates . i seem to order more spare reed plates than i need . There is a local jam in my area that plays in 432 Hz . so i was thinking maybe change the A flat reed plates that are in 440Hz to 432Hz . A flat 432Hz would be the closest . But what would be the closest major key ? seeing that 432 is 30 cents flat from 440 , would the key of A in 432 be the closest to 440 A flat ? what direction sharp or flat is the easiest to take the reeds ?
7122 posts
Jul 16, 2024
1:42 AM
If 432 is 30 cents flat of 440, then A in 432 will be 70 cents sharp of Ab in 440

I generally find it easier to tune down, but it’s no big deal to tune up a semitone, or even a whole tone

Bear in mind though, that your 440 plates are probably more like 442 or 443.
Also, to play with other instruments which are tuned to 432, you will probably need to tune your harp to 434 or 435.
3726 posts
Jul 16, 2024
8:29 AM
What Super Bee says in the last paragraph of his post is 100% correct because most people play a helluva lot harder than they realize and since you're playing with musicians with instruments tuned to A432, if the harmonica is actually tuned that way, in REAL playing breath, you're going to be sounding horribly flat against the band and the harder you play, the worse things will become in a nanosecond.

A432 is a really weird pitch standard in today's music and that was standard pitch in some European countries about 40-50 years ago.
Barbeque Bob Maglinte
Boston, MA
CD available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bbmaglinte

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