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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Octave
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812 posts
Jul 22, 2024
9:37 AM
---I don't use pedals much. Looking for advise for those that do. I want to get that accordion sound one can get from an octave harmonica on a recording. I was wonder if I can approximate that effect with an Octave pedal, rather than buying an octave harmonica which would only be mainly used for this one song?-------

Last Edited by LSC on Jul 22, 2024 9:37 AM
2362 posts
Jul 22, 2024
2:50 PM
I considered both options and decided to apply the KISS principal (keep it simple, stupid) in my playing. I worked to improve playing octaves on diatonics (and chromatics) and incorporating that technique when I want that octave sound instead of a pedal or octave harmonica.

FYI: Octaves are easier on chromatic as the notes you block are consistantly spaced.

Doug S.

Last Edited by dougharps on Jul 22, 2024 2:51 PM

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