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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Paul deLay Mystery
Paul deLay Mystery
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470 posts
Nov 26, 2024
3:38 PM
Here's a detective assignment for the eleven people still frequenting this forum.

Singer, songwriter, harmonica player Paul deLay made thirteen albums in his brief lifetime; twelve under the name "The Paul deLay Band", the other under the name "Paul deLay".

One of the albums is "You're Fired! The Best of The Paul deLay Band", issued by the British label Red Lightnin' in 1990.

In this album are four mystery songs:

02 Harpoon Man
05 Don't Drink
17 Sad as a Man Can Be
18 You're Just the One

These songs don't show up anywhere in Paul's other twelve albums. Where did they come from? If Red Lightnin' chose these songs for inclusion in a "best of" collection, you'd think they would have been around for a while in other albums.

I suspect they come from other bands who happened to have Paul guesting on their albums, but that's only a guess. Help me out.


wolf kristiansen
7129 posts
Nov 27, 2024
2:56 AM
Harpoon man and Don’t Drink are on American Voodoo (1984).

The other 2 appear to have been released as both sides of a 7” single in ‘82. I’ve found mention of that on Discogs and I think I found the ghost of an eBay auction for it but that’s all the evidence I have seen.


Spotify, Amazon, and Apple (ie digital downloads or streaming) all include you’re just the one I’ve been looking for and sad as a man can be on Teasin’ but they clearly were not included on the original issue of that album

Last Edited by SuperBee on Nov 27, 2024 3:14 AM
471 posts
Nov 27, 2024
6:14 PM
Thanks SuperBee. I'm embarrassed I missed Harpoon Man and Don't Drink. As for the other two, thanks for tracking them down. I followed the URL you provided and see that the last two songs are indeed from a 7" single. Mystery solved.


wolf kristiansen

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