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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Fake teacher queries?
Fake teacher queries?
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1803 posts
Nov 27, 2024
10:08 AM
Today I received a teaching query from someone who had seen my name on the MBH teacher list, asking for lessons for his daughter. It had all the usual hallmarks of a well known scam and I was curious as to whether anyone else had received the same query. Here’s the message, with names redacted:

“I hope this message finds you well.

“I am seeking a harmonica tutor for my daughter, xxxx, who is 13 years old and currently in the 8th grade. I am looking for a skilled tutor who can help her build confidence in her reading abilities. I would prefer private one-on-one or online lessons, and I am open to having the sessions conducted at your studio or home. I have arranged for her caregiver to stay with her during the tutoring sessions, and she has agreed to this plan.

“Could you please provide me with the following information?
- Your hourly rate.
- Your area of residence.
- The total cost of tutoring for one month (1 hour per day, 2 times a week).
- Your years of teaching experience.
- A proposed schedule for the lessons based on your availability.
- Your available days and times for tutoring.

“Thank you for your assistance.”

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Last Edited by WinslowYerxa on Nov 27, 2024 10:10 AM
355 posts
Dec 06, 2024
12:59 AM
I'm so stupid, I don't know what the scam is. Are they just collecting information on when you will not be home, so they can break in?

Or is the caregiver going to steal stuff while you are teaching the child?

I can see some weirdness, like why would they ask about your area of residence, but what tipped you off?
27 posts
Jan 26, 2025
11:18 AM
It's been a while, so hopefully the issue has been resolved one way or another.

The concept me of various scams I've heard of. In the most common scenario, if the intended victim is going along with it all, there comes a point where the scammer "accidentally" sends the victim a cashier's check for too much money in payment for their services. The victim is requested to deposit the check and send the scammer a bank transfer for the excess amount. The cashier's check is fake, but it can take a while for that to be discovered. When it is discovered, the victim's bank debits his account for the amount of the fake check.

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