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Differences between different key harps
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1 post
Jul 24, 2017
4:53 AM
Hello everyone. My first post here. I have a question if that's ok. Beyond the obvious, what differences are there between harmonicas in different keys? I mean in terms of ease to bend or overblow or volume etc.

Related question: I currently have a marine band in C, a Suzuki bluesmaster in A and a Promaster in Bb. I'm thinking of trying a Manji and an Easttop in G and D but not sure which way round to go. Any advice?

4826 posts
Jul 24, 2017
5:43 AM
Hey Ollie!
I dunno about volume but I'd say lower keys (to a point!) are easier to blow bend, and control draw bends. Probably higher keys are easier to overblow (my first overblown were on a D harp) and lower keys easier to overdraw (my only overdraws have been on G harps)
Blow bends for me are easiest on G, Ab, A harps but these days right up to D harps are no problem. I don't recall trying to blow bend an F harp but I expect I can.
I recall struggling with draw bends on F harps at one point, and definitely find it more demanding to bend accurately on D harp compared to A for instance.
But I also found it challenging to bend on a Low F at first. But now I'm ok with it. But I just can't get the 1 draw down to E on a low Eb. Not after enough practice to destroy the original comb and then a lot of reed work to eliminate leaks. I can just about get the bend but not quickly enough to use, and I have other priorities.
Low D, forget about it. That's why we have 16 hole chromatic harps I think.
But I know a guy who told me he xcould bend a low F first try, so I think it's a bit to do with your physical makeup.
2 posts
Jul 24, 2017
6:25 AM
Ok. Thanks SuperBee. That's interesting.

I think I find my A the easiest to bend mostly but not sure how much is to do with make/model and how much key. The Bb Promaster is easiest to OB. Can't OB at all on the C marine band but haven't tried gapping it.

I remember hearing something about Manjis being harder to bend for beginners in general. I'm fine with draw bends on the harps I've got as long as I lip perse. I struggle with tongue block bends so don't want make things even harder for myself by getting a difficult harp in a difficult key.
2298 posts
Jul 25, 2017
12:59 AM
My experiences are similar to SuperBee's - bends on higher harps are harder to control, but then the low, low harps become harder to get. Like there's not enough movement on the tongue/mouth.

But a teacher I talked to said his students exhibited a range - with some finding the higher keys, and some the lower keys, easier to bend. (That's within the 'normal' key range G to High F)
2300 posts
Jul 25, 2017
3:03 AM
...I should add that after listening to many hours of harp tutorials, I conclude that the big boys have more trouble controlling bends on the higher harps too.

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