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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > A different Marine Band (not a repeat subject)
A different Marine Band (not a repeat subject)
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3 posts
Dec 05, 2017
2:24 PM
Does anyone know what the difference is between a Hohner Marine Band harp and a Hohner MBC Marine Band harp? I see a good deal on a five pack on Amazon but the "MBC" has me puzzled. Thank you.
5109 posts
Dec 05, 2017
5:36 PM
I think it just means ‘case’ of 5.
5111 posts
Dec 06, 2017
10:36 PM
I’ve had s look around and now I’m certain the MBC applies to the ‘marine band case’ of 5 harps
The crossover for instance is the mbx
The tbird is the mbxl (marine band xover low)

It’s not some unusual tuning or anything like that.
The main concern probably should be that you found them as a good deal on Amazon. I seem to hear a disproportionate number of complaining reports about the good deal harps on Amazon. I think maybe sometimes that stuff is cheap for a reason, but I couldn’t begin to guess how anyone would know the product was sub-par prior to the retail point so I’m probably dreaming
4 posts
Dec 07, 2017
4:38 AM

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