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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Harmonica note position on piano
Harmonica note  position on piano
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4 posts
Jan 17, 2018
8:53 AM
Wanted to make sure is this correct?

Or are the harmonia notes in higher octave ?

Last Edited by Frankie on Mar 19, 2018 3:17 AM
183 posts
Jan 17, 2018
3:21 PM
Though the link does not work for me, I think of a
C harmonicas as starting on middle C of the piano
with the harp going higher till F#.
G,A Bb etc are on the lower side of middle C
..hope that was the question..hope that helps
5192 posts
Jan 17, 2018
5:36 PM
1 blow on a standard C harp is Middle C aka C4


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