73 posts
Feb 27, 2018
7:11 AM
I can see in amazon marine band delux about 90 US Dollars
What is going on?
119 posts
Feb 27, 2018
7:50 AM
Well My latest purchases from Hohner have left a bad taste in my mouth, so for me any price they give is too high, If you want the old style look, buy a Manji or give an Olive a try they are nice harps too, or give EastTop a try, those are very inexpensive for their quality level.
5293 posts
Feb 27, 2018
1:04 PM
Seems wrong. I see $85 and I think that is Australian dollars, around $65 USD. Check out other suppliers. Postage fromUS especially is very expensive. You’re in Korea? Should be able to buy direct from Germany. European postage seems much cheaper than US postage
5294 posts
Feb 27, 2018
1:15 PM
They are 47 euro from thoman but I don’t know how much shipping would be. Once I could buy from Hohner but that’s a while ago, can’t find how to do it atm. I have bought harps using amazon in past. Won’t do it again.
Harmonicas-direct say 37.49 euro but I don’t know postage and whether that business has a good reputation. Have not dealt with it
Last Edited by SuperBee on Feb 27, 2018 1:31 PM
295 posts
Feb 27, 2018
5:43 PM
Rockin Rons marine band $45. MB Deluxe $60
5295 posts
Feb 27, 2018
7:07 PM
australian RRP is $98. can buy them for $88 from mandoharp. thats about $66 US
5297 posts
Feb 28, 2018
12:45 PM
Yeah look if you can buy local at $65, do it. That’s about as good as anyone can do.
If you buy through Amazon, that just means you’re dealing with someone who operates through amazon. There are many different dealers using that service to get their stuff to market. Some are good, but I’m wary. I bought some bargain harps which seemed less good. Maybe they were ‘returned’ to the shop, and then resold cheap online? That’s obviously just speculation but I’ve heard numerous reports of dissatisfaction from people who’ve bought good quality brands cheap on amazon. Of course sometimes there are actual bargains but I suspect there are also sharp practices in play at times.
So if you can’t find the item in Korea, why not try ordering firect from a harmonica supplier rather than through amazon? As I mentioned above, the shipping charge from USA mean it’s probably unlikely you’ll get a marine band deluxe from there cheaper than $85 USD. Hohner USA don’t stock the MBD anyway, Ron has to import them separately from Europe. I think you may be able to do better if you look to a European supplier.
122 posts
Feb 28, 2018
4:55 PM
When I first started buying Harps online, my first stop was Amazon, now I can't say I had a bad experience, no problems with any of the harps i got, but who they came from would always be a crap shoot.
Man those over sea's shipping charges are high, if you can find someone in Korea, perhaps try some mom and pop music stores, not everything has to be bought online, and if you can find someone that treats their costumers as good as Rock-in Ron's, well I'd stick to them like glue.