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Practice Apps
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Ritchie Davies
2 posts
Aug 05, 2019
2:22 PM
Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to recommend an app for practising 2 hole and 3 hole draw bending.

PitchMe, which uses the microphone on your phone to show a real-time visual tuning representation on the treble stave, so you can see if your bang on pitch or slightly flat or sharp. It is an invaluable tool for reaching precision on your bending.

I also use Anytune Pro for importing tunes from sources such as Dropbox and iTunes, which can change tempo and pitch to allow Youtube lessons’ audio , for instance, to be transposed into different keys. A useful tool if the lesson is using an A harp and you want to use a C, or vice-versa. The instructor’s voice goes up or down, accordingly, of course!

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