6217 posts
Oct 21, 2019
11:23 PM
This is a good practice exercise. It’s just an inverted pentatonic major scale. The real focus is on hearing and particularly hearing the bent notes. For best results, you’ll need 3 harps. G, C and A is probably the best set to use, because they are relatively common. If you use the suggested 3 harps, the exercise is this: G harp: 2 3” +4 4 +5 4 +4
C harp: 1 +2 2 3” 3 3” 2
A harp: 2” 2 3’ +4 4 +4 3’
You could also add a D harp and play +1 1 2” 2 3” 2 2”. A pentatonic major scale uses the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th notes of the Major scale. In this case I’m talking about a scale in the key of G major. The scale is G A B C D E F# G
The pentatonic major scale derived from this is G A B D E
The notes played in the exercise are D E G A B A G. It’s all the notes in the G pentatonic major, but it is not just in the straight order of 1 2 3 5 6. It’s 5 6 1 2 3 2 1. So it resolves on the G and you should be able to hear how that sounds ‘right’
6218 posts
Oct 22, 2019
3:07 AM
I've just been giving this one a whirl, and i added the D harp, so i played the same scale, same notes, on 4 different keys of harp. thats 1st, 2nd, 11th, and 12th positions.
i can probably find some more exercises to share if theres interest?
451 posts
Oct 22, 2019
7:32 AM
I would be interested. I've worked yours from earlier posts and used them as models to come up with some of my own. Quite helpful. thanks. ---------- Phil Pennington
6220 posts
Oct 23, 2019
2:02 AM
This one is a pentatonic minor idea
the harp line is this
2" 2 3' +4 4 5 4 +4 3'
play it, then sing it, repeat ad nauseum
pentatonic minor is the 1 (or tonic), flat (or minor) 3rd, 4th, 5th and flat (aka dominant) 7th
this line is b7th 1 b3rd 4th 5th b7th 5th 4th b3rd
10 posts
Oct 24, 2019
6:21 AM
Good to follow along and makes good practice.
48 posts
Oct 26, 2019
3:33 PM
I’m interested as well.
6228 posts
Oct 26, 2019
9:17 PM
I’ve got some scales stuff. I’ll put up in a new thread