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JP Allen (harmonica.com) in Serious Condition
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627 posts
Nov 16, 2019
2:05 PM
A couple months back, JP Allen (of harmonica.com) survived a 60 foot fall and sustained some severe injuries. He was hospitalized and in a coma for several days. It’s a pretty serious situation and I think JP has probably a tough road ahead to recovery.
The family has set up a GoFundMe page for medical expenses:
There is also a blog over at Caring Bridge with more details on his condition:

I have no professional association with JP, nor have I been asked by anyone to share this information, but I thought I should pass this along to the harmonica community. When I was getting started with harmonica, JP’s lessons on YouTube were some of the first harmonica instruction I received, and I always appreciated his positive demeanor. He emphasized a solid foundation in basics, the connection with breathing, and the pursuit of musicality and fun. If you’ve watched JP’s videos and gotten some from them, please consider supporting him in this time.
Marc Graci
YouTube Channel
305 posts
Nov 29, 2019
8:00 PM
Thank you for sharing. I just noticed there is a recent update at the Caring Bridge site. It is very nice to read that JP's condition is improving.

Best wishes, positive thoughts and prayers,

Harmonica Mutes & Accessories

310 posts
Dec 03, 2019
8:02 AM
The update is really dire. Says JP will need prosthetics for his right hand and left foot. Damn.
308 posts
Dec 03, 2019
8:29 AM
It is heartbreaking, but it sounds like JP is doing well given the extent of his injuries.

Journal entry by libby kirkpatrick — 17 hours ago

From Jps sisters, Gillian & Alyssa:

We are so incredibly grateful for the support JP has received over these past six weeks. It has been a great comfort to JP and his closest friends and family as he continues to battle with the strength and will of a true warrior in the ICU with the aid of his life saving medical team. The impact of the fall has caused extensive injury and many complications but we have also witnessed many miracles along the way. JP’s spirit is incredibly strong and he has been facing every procedure with courage and acceptance. He has been part of the the conversation with his medical team and family and has full knowledge of necessary surgeries and all he faces. He wishes to Live and Thrive and begin anew regardless of these difficult circumstances and the long road ahead. Currently, he is battling pneumonia and needs occasional oxygen to help clear his lungs. But he is breathing on his own now. He has been on and off dialysis because of damage to his kidneys. His pelvis and sacrum were surgically pinned and his spinal fractures are healing. He continues to wear a neck brace due to injury to his cervical vertebrae but there is no damage to his spinal cord. At some point he will need prosthetics for his right hand and left foot. He is able to speak now and his voice is getting stronger every day and he is beginning to eat solid food. He needs us all in communion now more than ever so he can heal and live to his greatest potential. With Love & Light

Is this a JP classic or what:

Harmonica Mutes & Accessories

327 posts
Feb 21, 2020
6:15 PM
Jeez o peas. i just read the Feb 12 blog. Poor JP.
Don’t know how he fell, but the damage is simply unbelievable.
War zone stuff. Say your gratitudes daily!

Last Edited by Sundancer on Feb 21, 2020 10:27 PM
335 posts
Apr 15, 2020
10:36 PM
Anybody heard any updates on JPs condition? This is an awfully Bad time to be stuck in a care facility. Hope he’s getting treatment and some visitors.
336 posts
Apr 17, 2020
9:35 AM
Last update is 45 days ago. Those groups homes are hotspots for CV. Sure hope JP isn’t having to deal with that as well.
2 posts
Apr 17, 2020
9:41 AM
Wow this is devastating, Hope he is doing better!
337 posts
Apr 19, 2020
7:27 PM
There’s another update now. Say your gratitudes that you’re not going thru what JP is .
345 posts
Jun 03, 2020
3:03 PM
There’s another post about JP Allen on Caring Bridge.
Fooking hell he’s having a rough ride.
Say your gratitudes.
389 posts
Jul 19, 2020
5:06 AM
Any recent update on JP’s condition?
6671 posts
Dec 02, 2020
4:59 AM
Hey everybody: I was thinking about JP Allen just now, so I went looking for updates--and found this:

update on JP

It's a heartwrenching story, and a remarkable one. Very, very few of us go through something like this. The closest analogy might be a soldier in Afghanistan whose vehicle got blown up by an IED. That sort of rehab.

384 posts
Jan 02, 2021
12:36 PM
There’s another update about JP on the Caring Bridge site. Adam summed it up pretty well, JP has suffered injuries of the type usually seen on soldiers in the Middle East wounded by IEDs. What JP is going thru is mind-bogglingly tragic. But the spirit he is showing is extraordinary as well. Hope everybody has a very safe & healthy 2021.

Last Edited by Sundancer on Jan 02, 2021 12:36 PM
3 posts
Jan 11, 2021
1:50 PM
Oh man... so sorry to hear that - I live in Austin and I knew JP before he moved to the islands. Took some lessons with him. Truly nice person, very positive - great teacher. I will check the GoFundMe thing and post it on my FB page.
1 post
May 04, 2021
8:15 AM
Hi JP,
As some kind of moral booster I tried but was only able to find just one "J.P. Allen" track "Tooth Fight" to add to my Spotify encyclopaedia/compendium called "Harp (Blues Harmonica) ? ? Galaxy"
My aim was to make a single point of reference for harp players to get exposed to the widest variety of type of harmonica playing (although there is a bias towards blues and instrumentals) and for anyone else to enjoy (1691 tracks so far covering 1920-2021 or 108 hours or 4.5 days... Could be useful for anyone stuck on a hospital bed :-)
Wishing you all the best

P.S. Any comments @ https://www.facebook.com/BluesHarpGalaxy/
397 posts
May 19, 2021
12:16 PM
382 posts
May 19, 2021
4:04 PM
I couldn't quite get that link to play, so i typed it in you tube and found this. I don't know how to do just the link portion so hope this is okay

Last Edited by Spderyak on May 19, 2021 4:05 PM
398 posts
May 19, 2021
4:30 PM
That video is heart warming and heartbreaking at the same time.
2154 posts
May 20, 2021
4:42 PM
Well said, Sundancer.
Damn! What a guy! The resilience of the human spirit is amazing. The pure joy on the dancers' faces.... Glad he can still play harp.
BronzeWailer's YouTube

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