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Navigating the Forum
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1 post
Jul 01, 2020
6:58 PM
Hi everyone! I recently started my Blues Harmonica journey and like many of you have been greatly inspired by Adam. As a newbie to the forum I’m wondering how things work here in terms of navigating the various posts. Unless I missed it, I don’t see a Search function that would help find a subject. How do you find a particular subject or area of interest without reading every post going way back? For example, I am looking for a Harp tab for Steve Miller’s song, “Living in the USA.” I thought maybe I could find something along those lines but I’m stumped..

Any ideas?

The Ocalagator
6726 posts
Jul 01, 2020
7:28 PM
It’s a bit hit and miss but you can try the “forum search”.
It’s a bit different to find, depending whether you’re using mobile or desktop platform.
6727 posts
Jul 01, 2020
7:36 PM
had to switch to desktop because mobile was too irritating.
Ok, on desktop, you'll see the LHS menu and if you go to "Blues Harp Forum" and hover you'll see the fly out menu gives the option of 'forum search'. theres also a 'forum archive' and i don't think i've used that but could be interesting.

on mobile, use the dropdown menu or expandable menu, whatever its called; the button in top right of screen anyway. it expands to a big list whicgh is the equivalent of the desktop platform's LHS menu, anfd if you click the arrowhead next to "Blues harp forum", again you will see those various related options.

Once you get on the forum search though, its pretty basic and good luck. common search techniques apply. frankly, you might do just as well with a browser-based search on the terms you're looking for, but try it. maybe you'll get lucky
2 posts
Jul 23, 2020
8:07 AM
Thanks so much for your reply. It's exactly what I needed. Sorry about the time delay in my reply. I have not logged on to the forum in awhile.

This will help very much. I'm sure there are topics that I would like to check out, but paging through EVERYTHING to find one specific topic just did not seem worth it.
Thanks again.

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