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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > "Hissing" when using a mic
"Hissing" when using a mic
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40 posts
Sep 13, 2020
8:22 AM
I just started practicing with a Green Bullet and my Vibrochamp, and I find that I hear a hissing sound even with a good cup. it seems to be worse on the higher notes. The sound is good and overdriven.Is this a technique thing, or is the harp leaky? Any tips on starting with miking would be most appreciated.
41 posts
Sep 14, 2020
5:47 PM
SuperBee, that is exactly the case. The mic is silent when I’m not playing, and it is mainly on the blow notes. I think it is excess breath, but I wasn’t sure if it is me or a leaky harmonica. I’ve only played with my Rocket in C. I guess I’m playing too hard?
Wailing ptarmigan
44 posts
Jan 10, 2024
5:07 PM
Reviving an old thread here.
Great ideas above.
I have found that playing amplified (Bulletini through a clean keyboard amp with Joyo american Sound pedal for eq/grit/drive/etc) definitely picks up more of my breath sounds. Even teeth clunking on harp, licking lips , harp clunking on mic etc. I've tried tweaking my pedal and found that less drive seems to equate with less extraneous sounds being picked up (drive=gain?).
It's a challenge for sure getting a slightly dirty sound without picking unwanted noise.
Is it just a fact of life that you have to use waaaay less air and basically play quieter when you start playing amplified? Would be nice to get some of the grit without the "mouth noise"

Last Edited by Wailing ptarmigan on Jan 10, 2024 4:59 PM

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