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Bending the 6 draw and the 7 blow
Bending the 6 draw and the 7 blow
1 post
Jan 09, 2021
11:25 AM
I'm attempting to bend some of the higher holes. On the C harp bending the 6 draw lasts for a moment, then snaps back to the unbent note.
But, on the A harp, bending the 6 draw works pretty well.
Based on other topics I've read, I'm assuming this is due to the reed length of different notes (trying to hit the Ab as opposed to the F). But, how do I manage this on the C harp to get a good bend?
I'm encountering a similar issue trying to bend the 7 blow, the bend lasts for a moment before snapping back to unbent, or alternating bent and unbent.
If there's a lesson which I've missed in the materials, I'm all ears.
2 posts
Jan 09, 2021
7:42 PM
Based on what you said, I took out all of my harps (C, A, D, and Bb) and tried out -6b, 7b, and 8b. Same problem on all of them. The A -6b just works a tad better, but still snaps.
So, I think it's not the harp(s), but, as you said, working my way through figuring out the nuances of the embouchure.
I was trying to force it, so now I'm working on being gentle and attempting to focus on manipulating throat and breath per what you said.
Thanks for the guidance!!!
3 posts
Jan 10, 2021
8:51 AM
Yeah, I was applying some blues riffs to 3rd position to see what the minor sounded like: -4 6 -5 -4. When I put an embellishment in quickly: -4 -6b6 -5 -4 the bend turns out a lot better. It seems that way I'm being gentler and more natural with it.
I'll keep practicing the lower bends to get those improved before I expect better results on the uppers.
4 posts
Jan 12, 2021
9:28 AM
Yeah, I haven't done much with chords, yet. Do you draw bend the V over -4 -5 -6 all at once?
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