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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Advice for the G Harp?
Advice for the G Harp?
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3 posts
Feb 18, 2022
1:21 PM
Hi, all.

I have harps in 12 keys. I like some more than others, but I find the G the most problematic. I have a G Hohner Marine Band as well as a G made by East Top. I have several different kinds of Hohners, and I like them all. I also like the other East Tops I have. However, I like neither G.

I take it that the G is a challenging harp anyway because the lower holes are so far down in octave. (Then again, so are B flat and A, but I do fine with those.) On the Hohner as well as the East Top G, it's often difficult to even get sound from the 3 hole. Both harps have not seen much use, and in fact the East Top is only a couple of months old. (I got it because it was inexpensive and I wanted an alternative to the Hohner.)

Is this just the challenge of the G I'm facing, or can anyone recommend a good G harp manufacturer (or technique)?

5 posts
Feb 20, 2022
10:25 AM
Thanks for all that. Very interesting concepts. I reasoned that it was probably the player rather than the harp that needs development. I'm especially intrigued by playing on one's back -- I can see how that would focus on belly breath. The nose-closing is interesting, too. I know how to do that but had never heard it mentioned in harmonica context. I sing sometimes, but not when I practice. I will try that.

It's remarkable how many physical actions and creative efforts inform others that aren't readily apparent until you try them. It's like musical cross-training.

I'm also a career writer/journalist, have done some spoken-word performance, and have long done surreal oil paining and "junk sculpture" for small galleries and other venues. I'm eager to learn how I might incorporate some or all of these with blues harp.

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