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Moon Cat gets his back scratched jason live
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The Iceman
1739 posts
Jun 17, 2014
12:47 PM
jnorem - "I didn't like Miles Davis' silly way-wah effect either."

Hey! Wha?

I'm the resident Miles Davis expert here...

(actually, I didn't like it much either).
The Iceman
1085 posts
Jun 17, 2014
1:33 PM
Brilliant! Good to see some modern blues harmonica on the modern blues harmonica forum now and again.
187 posts
Jun 17, 2014
1:43 PM
I really liked that tone! I'm sick of the same old fat Chicago tone.Have some imagination.I don't want to hear any one tone all the time.
3603 posts
Jun 17, 2014
2:05 PM
Personally I'm not a fan of the effects that Jason used here. MInd you I'm not generally a big fan of effects used on any instrument, other than reverb or delay. However I do applaud him for using them and trying to take the music to a new place. It's also undeniable that Jason has an incredible amount of skill and talent as a musician. I'd love to have heard Jason play that acoustically or with less effects, but even though it wasn't my cup of tea. I admire the mans talent on the instrument immensely.

The only other thing I have noticed in this thread and another. Is that whenever anyone asks jnorem where they can listen to his music, that he either sidesteps the issue or simply ignores it. Now for someone who claims to have had a pretty good career playing harmonica I must admit I do find that a little odd. Care to enlighten us as to the reasons for being so elusive regarding your music jnorem?
4542 posts
Jun 17, 2014
2:14 PM
He's just playing with our mere mortal minds :)

7809 posts
Jun 17, 2014
2:14 PM
Libertad, your comment about Bach caught me as funny. My grandmother used to say, "If you want to listen to music, you listen to Bach. If you want to enjoy it, listen to Mozart." (I'm a Bach fan though.)

Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)

First Post- May 8, 2009
462 posts
Jun 17, 2014
2:20 PM
Kingley, I was thinking the same thing but you posted it first.

If Jason wants to use effects I respect that.
I just think using effects in that particular song was not a good choice and IMO somewhat disrespectful, though not intentional.
You wouldn't sing Mannish boy with Auto tune!

Last Edited by Harpaholic on Jun 17, 2014 2:29 PM
200 posts
Jun 17, 2014
2:24 PM
@ 20REEDS: Not sure who you think I am but I don't post on any jazz forums and rarely post here....and almost never take the bait in a discussion like this. I understand it's a simple case of mistaken identity. Just want to set the record straight.
All the best to everyone,
Music speaks where words fail.
293 posts
Jun 17, 2014
3:04 PM
@Kingley: "The only other thing I have noticed in this thread and another. Is that whenever anyone asks jnorem where they can listen to his music, that he either sidesteps the issue or simply ignores it. Now for someone who claims to have had a pretty good career playing harmonica I must admit I do find that a little odd. Care to enlighten us as to the reasons for being so elusive regarding your music jnorem?"

1. Why do you find it odd? Anyway, I don't see any reason why I should have to post recordings of my playing in order to be able to state an opinion. It isn't in the rules anywhere.

2. I don't have any recordings of me playing the harmonica that I feel truly represent my blues playing abilities, and I don't want to put any chromatic stuff up here. Now, I could put a sequence together with sampled instruments and record myself playing over that. Would that suffice?

3. I don't seem to be well-liked here, which is weird because I'm really a nice guy. But if and when I do post my playing here I very much doubt it would be given a fair listen. I could be wrong, though. I'll just have to give it a try sometime, I guess.

Call me J
257 posts
Jun 17, 2014
3:30 PM
@nacoran, Bach for me too. I once read an interview with Jack Bruce who said that Bach was a big influence! Classy!
473 posts
Jun 17, 2014
4:39 PM
Interesting effects. Sounds like Jason is playing Steel drums. It's funky and different. I think that effect would go great with a reggae tune. I actually like it because he's pushing the envelope and experimenting, and it just sounds good. It fits the tune!! It' not the same old thing that we hear and expect from this tune that I think most of us play.

Also, you have to cater your speech to your audience, as maimonides once said. You would talk one way In a men's locker room and another way in a courtroom. I saw young kids dancing, and older couples. You are not going to do traditional hardcore blues with that audience. If you don't cater your speech to fit your audience, you lose your audience. Moreover, Jason has the skill level to make it work.

Last Edited by blueswannabe on Jun 17, 2014 5:01 PM
1873 posts
Jun 17, 2014
5:04 PM
he actually did post something,
it was quite good from what i heard.
it was too early in the morning to really give it a listen, when i went back to really re-listen, it was deleted.

i get a lot of request when i play my harmonica
"but i play it anyway"
303 posts
Jun 17, 2014
10:15 PM
I've forgiven Jason a great deal over the years, but this performance has put me over the edge. Not since they layed seige to Noriega has anyone put forth such an affront to the senses. To say it sounds like a synth, in my opinion, is like saying the bad guys in the Karate Kid could pass for actual teenagers. Like the carpet under my dining room table, this performance just doesn't fly.
12gagedan's YouTube Channel
12gagedan's YouTube Channel
3605 posts
Jun 17, 2014
10:38 PM
jnorem -

1. I find it odd, because for someone to say how accomplished they are at playing an instrument and then not appear willing to back that up with audio samples seems as if maybe that person is unable to walk the walk. No it indeed isn't in the rules and you don't need to post them to have an opinion. However an internet forum is all about sharing and as a musician, on a music forum, sharing your music would seem like a no brainer.

2. I doubt any of us feel that the recordings we have truly represent our true abilities. That's just human nature. Why not post chromatic? Many people here are not simply fans of the diatonic, or just blues. I like many types of music myself and enjoy listening to any instrument played well. If you feel the need to record with sampled instruments and post it then feel free to do so. Nobody is demanding you to do that though. I was merely making an observation.

3. Well I'm sure we all think we are nice guys. Only other people can be the judge of that though. Maybe your written form is confrontational without intending to be so. I honestly don't know. Personally speaking I don't have a problem with you and don't think I ever have. I may disagree with some of the things you say, but that doesn't mean I like or dislike you. I don't know you, so can't make a judgement based on your personality. Which determines whether I like or dislike a person as an individual.

1847 - Thanks man. I didn't know that.

Last Edited by Kingley on Jun 17, 2014 10:40 PM
297 posts
Jun 17, 2014
11:09 PM
Kingley, I have a confession to make. I can't play the harmonica worth a damn. Everything I've said about my "career" is completely made up. The truth is I've never set foot inside a recording studio, in fact I've never even held a harmonica in my hand, much less tried to play one. I'm just a crazy person who likes to come on harmonica forums.
Call me J
1029 posts
Jun 17, 2014
11:59 PM
Mmm hmm.
I am glad we have things to disagree about, how boring it would be otherwise.
I too am a crazy person who likes to come on harmonica forums.
Oh, I feel better now.
1312 posts
Jun 18, 2014
12:29 AM
I quite like the special effect, but if there was too much of it I might be hankering to hear the 'real' unadulterated sound we know he can deliver. That said, I am surprised to hear him being pilloried here. I can't help but wonder that if this wasn't Jason Ricci but some unknown would we all be raving about the cool guy we'd discovered with new harp tricks?
I think the majority of us probably fit the description of "crazy person who likes to come on harmonica forums." Liking the harmonica this much satisfies the "crazy condition.

BTW, I heard a joke about Wagner's music: "It's not as bad as it sounds." (I know nothing about classical music, so stand waiting to be corrected.)

BronzeWailer's YouTube
758 posts
Jun 18, 2014
12:34 AM
I reckon someone could post a clip of Jason farting on this forum and start an extensive and heated debate about its merits. Just goes to show how important and influential a player he is.

I think it was Bernard Shaw who said 'the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.'

Keep us talking Jason. I wish I had a poofteenth of your talent and ability.
Lucky Lester
1313 posts
Jun 18, 2014
12:44 AM
@LuckyLester, LOL. Not to forget there would also be "heated" debate on how LW did it, how he got that rich resonant tone, vibrato etc...

BronzeWailer's YouTube

Last Edited by BronzeWailer on Jun 18, 2014 12:45 AM
519 posts
Jun 18, 2014
4:29 AM
"Why isn't it okay to not like an outboard effect someone's using?"

it's completely ok. and it's completely ok to say that, or to say it doesn't sound good to you, or that you prefer a more traditional sound. i think what people were reacting to was the tone of the posts. when people (not necessarily you) write things like "destroy a classic song", "the effect is crap", and "sounds shite", it tends to get their dander up.

you don't like it, cool. jason obviously does, or he wouldn't play it like that. this effect doesn't particularly do it for me, either. i first heard him use it on Ptryptophan Pterodactyl, where i think it works better. i've played with similar effects on my own amp. some of 'em are kinda cool, but not the sound i'm going for. i make my choices, he makes his.

969 posts
Jun 18, 2014
6:34 AM
1. OK, OK, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the use of the word "shitty". I will try and be more inventive next time. And I will stand corrected on the effect, not the tone, having problems, but in this clip it is difficult to distinguish whether the effect also detracted from his tone.

2. It is Jason Ricci's skill and mastery of the instrument that prompts such a reaction, and NOT because it is something different. That's not the problem here.

3. I like what 12gagedan said the best:

"Not since they layed seige to Noriega has anyone put forth such an affront to the senses." Now that's good writing.

4. The idea that an amateur or less skilled harp player would be required to post a recording of their own playing on this Forum in order to justify, validate, or defend a statement about a professional master harp player's ANYTHING, whether it be playing, tone, attack, or effect, is ridiculous.

5. Regarding opinions and assholes, was that a BlowsMeAway microphone he was using? :)

Just kidding, Greg. :)

Last Edited by atty1chgo on Jun 18, 2014 6:49 AM
4547 posts
Jun 18, 2014
6:57 AM
The typed word can't replace videos or sound samples, whether from a Pro or amateur - if you are able to post videos or sound samples of what you want to convey, they are extremely helpful and many times words don't compare when your talking music and trying to make a point....a video or sound sample will drive the point home and give it life...Music is aural and visual too...Reading about musical concepts or hearing them are two different universes, especially in a forum arena like MBH :)

PS...Jason's singing is sounding GOOD !

Last Edited by Frank on Jun 18, 2014 7:11 AM
1874 posts
Jun 18, 2014
8:21 AM
it sounded just like a 1968 buick
with a 430 motor and the muffler falling off
though i would argue it sounded more
like a "white" riviera than a "blue" one


i get a lot of request when i play my harmonica
"but i play it anyway"
Brendan Power
435 posts
Jun 18, 2014
8:59 AM
This forum makes me want to weep sometimes. "Modern" Blues Harmonica?? I don't think so. Why not call it "Deeply Reactionary Blues Harmonica" instead? That would suit the majority of posters, who apparently have tin ears and incredibly narrow views.

That solo by Jason was REAL tasty, with lyrical use of chromaticism and good development - plus his sound was cool too. Sure it is not a traditional harmonica amplified tone, but so what? Jason crafted it and chose it deliberately for this solo, and I think it's a good sound in its own right. Hearing it made me listen even more to the solo.

As some others have said, Jason has a wonderful acoustic tone, and he can sound real traditional Chicago when he wants to. But, unlike most on this forum (judging from many of the posts), he's adventurous and willing to experiment. That's always interesting to me, and it's definitely MODERN.

I guarantee Little Walter would be trying every kind of new effect going if he were around today. That's because, like Jason, he was an innovator - unlike the majority of blues harp players, who are slavish copyists. To add insult to ignorance, they like to lay down the law about what's blues harmonica or not!

We should thank our lucky stars for the likes of Jason Ricci, or blues harmonica would be even more deeply mired in a time warp than it is already.
2815 posts
Jun 18, 2014
9:11 AM
Hear, hear, Brendan!
Super Awesome!
   YouTube!                 Soundcloud!

Last Edited by isaacullah on Jun 18, 2014 9:12 AM
527 posts
Jun 18, 2014
10:18 AM
@brendan powers


Very well stated!
The Iceman
1741 posts
Jun 18, 2014
10:25 AM
Brendan states "That would suit the majority of posters, who apparently have tin ears and incredibly narrow views."

Least effective human communication may be to judge others with comments like this from some perceived perch way up high.

Most effective human communication may be to relate how one personally feels about tone/style/presentation issues like the Jason controversy.

I understand that Brendan personally felt that the solo was REAL tasty, good development....and his sound was cool, too.

For instance, I personally felt that the solo wasn't tasty by my definition, was very musically accomplished and funky, but his sound on this clip was something that I just didn't like.

Now, if we keep our comments to how we perceive and how we feel about an artist's performance, there can be no room for argument.

When we slip into judging others and accusing them of tin ears or some other insulting comment, of course people get angry and hurt, responding in kind, leading these postings to go south pretty quickly, as well as far away from the subject matter.

(Sorry, been reading about effective human communication lately to improve myself).

The Iceman
912 posts
Jun 18, 2014
10:48 AM
Want my .02 ? - Didn't think so.

What kind of weak-sauce controversy is this? Two pages and the thread doesn't even get locked?

and by the way - Jason Rules, -but the sound on this clip doesn't
(couldn't help myself)

Last Edited by bonedog569 on Jun 18, 2014 10:49 AM
521 posts
Jun 18, 2014
11:15 AM
Jason was just copying Carey...

Ridge's YouTube
298 posts
Jun 18, 2014
11:57 AM
I went to see Carey Bell at Billy Blues in Houston, and before I left I gave him a hug. He said, "Damn, all I can catch me is a man!"

Love the guy, hate the effect.
Call me J
1031 posts
Jun 18, 2014
12:52 PM
Yes, Jason deserves our friendship and support.
How lame am I? I have posted several times on this thread and still haven't listened to the clip!
OK, it's playing now--the controversial solo begins at 2:29.
This effect doesn't bother me--didn't Chris Michalek used to use this effect?

Last Edited by Gnarly on Jun 18, 2014 12:57 PM
495 posts
Jun 18, 2014
1:53 PM
I liked it. Mixed in with the whole set probably would would make foe some variety in the show.
Someone should beat the drummer with those crash cymbals- stepped all over everything
Jim Rumbaugh
999 posts
Jun 18, 2014
2:29 PM
I liked it.

It sounded fine and fresh to me.

2 thumbs up.
theharmonicaclub.com (of Huntington, WV)
645 posts
Jun 18, 2014
2:34 PM
When I listened to the clip right after it was posted I already expected a different interpretation than the original song, because it was Jason. Jason innovates. With Jason I expect a modern take on songs, with a very different style of playing than traditional blues. When I saw that this thread had heavy posting, I caught up.

Jason made the song his own, using the controversial effect, giving the song a far different feel in his solo than did the original. I liked it. I like the original, too! It is OK to like an original and a new interpretation. I like when musicians make a song their own.

When Jason is performing I expect a modern take on songs. I have no doubt he could have played it traditionally, but Jason is known for his use of speed, overbends to play unusual lines, and using effects. I have heard him perform and attended workshops where he discussed and demonstrated the use of effects. I don't know if he was using a POG, autowah, or what in this clip. It had an interesting sound.

Would I enjoy an entire evening of music with that effect? No. I like variety. If he had carted out Leslie speakers, I would enjoy a few songs with them at most, but not all songs for the whole show with Leslies. I believe I heard recordings of Chris Michalek using a similar effect. Paul Delay used octave effects in a recording. Brendan Power has used octave effects. And as ridge pointed out, so did Carey Bell.

Do Jason's showers of notes sometimes seem overwhelming? Not in this song, but sure, sometimes. Coltrane sometimes exhausts me, too, for the number of notes and the places he took it musically.

Would I be likely to play songs using that effect? Not too likely. For what I play, it wouldn't be worth the gear investment for occasional use. However, I experiment sometimes to a lesser degree. I did use a phase shifter, delay, and reverb on a song at a performance once, and sometimes I have used chorus, and occasionally tremolo with delay.

I think it is good to explore the use of effects, and I think it worked fine for Jason's performance. I enjoy being surprised by Jason. It is a new approach to blues... Modern!

I think that part of people's critical reaction is the expectation of a "harmonica sound" being unfulfilled, as well as the song itself being revered in its traditional version.

It is OK to not care for it. I enjoyed it. Let's play nice!

Doug S.
358 posts
Jun 18, 2014
2:36 PM
I liked it too... I wouldn't want to hear that effect all night, like most effects, except some delay and reverb, but for one song, it's fine.

It's good to change it up sometimes to break the monotony.
304 posts
Jun 18, 2014
2:56 PM
I don't know Ridge, Carey had so much style and attitude. Jason's just "trying". It's like when Marty Mcfly gets turned down to play the school dance. Instead of, "You're too darn loud." I'd tell Jason, "you're too darn 'out there', man."
12gagedan's YouTube Channel
7811 posts
Jun 18, 2014
3:26 PM
Ridge, I like that clip. It's the same sort of effect, but with a very different style. My one criticism of Jason's use of the effect is that he kind of played into the wheelhouse of what an electric organ can do that the harp struggles with. For pure speed, even Jason can't keep up with even an average pro piano player. Maybe he can keep up with what they can do with one hand tied behind their back, so although I enjoyed his clip I thought to myself 'this is something a piano player could have done and done better'. It's the limitations of the instrument. Carey Bell used the electric piano effect but played to the harps strengths. We can hold our own for putting color on the notes.

Now, what I'd love to see is Jason and another one of the very select group of harp players who could pull it off with him try, is to both run the effect and see if they can't play 'with both hands'. (Actually, with the right application of a harmonizer pedal maybe a harp guy could pull it off.)

That said, I still enjoyed Jason's clip, both musically, and as a push at the boundaries, and I imagine, at the show, as a change of pace sound.

Always push to see what sounds you can get. Music isn't set in stone. If it sounds good, do it again. If it doesn't, keep messing with it. Each failure teaches you as much as each success, and the only guys moving things forward are going to be the ones changing things up.

Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)

First Post- May 8, 2009
528 posts
Jun 18, 2014
3:33 PM
I still find it quite comical to read the negative comments made by some forum members that Jason made a "mistake" and that his playing style is "wrong".
Last I checked Jason Ricci is a PROFESSIONAL musician and what I would consider a virtuoso of his instrument.
To all the negative posters, what, may I ask, are YOUR credentials that seem to make you an authority on all things musical?

Also, would you be willing to make A & B video comparisons of your playing to Jason's?
IMO, I think "armchair quarterback" would better describe you all best

Last Edited by CarlA on Jun 18, 2014 3:36 PM
301 posts
Jun 18, 2014
5:43 PM
I think the negative comments do nothing more than put forward the opinion that the effect Jason used was wrong for the song. Everybody knows that Jason uses effects, that's not news.

I'll tell you something else: if I could sit down with any living harmonica player to get a lesson from, it would be Jason Ricci. The cat is amazing.

But his effect sounded shite.

Call me J

Last Edited by jnorem on Jun 18, 2014 5:45 PM
279 posts
Jun 18, 2014
6:29 PM
As with most 'snippets' of a show, I could not judge. In this forum I don't think it's in context unless the show is submitted in whole or the snippet is posted by the artist.
The Iceman
1744 posts
Jun 19, 2014
10:22 AM
Many of the comments revolve around what I might call "Serving the Song".

Many songs are such large entities unto themselves that one may consider them as having personal power..."Scratch My Back", "Mojo Workin", "Juke", "Roller Coaster", etc.

These songs seem to me to invite a reverance as to what they are and how they should be presented.

To treat them with respect is a measure of "Serving the Song" first, with the performer and his ability playing a supportive role to the spirit of that song.

My view of Jason's initial video is that, instead of "Serving the Song", he uses the song as a vehicle for his personal vision of a unique sound and style of solo that doesn't really have much to do with "Scratch My Back". In some ways, it feels to me that he could have used this same solo in a lot of other songs without relating to the song...rather using the song to "Serve his Artistic Vision".

Perhaps this is where some of the split comments originate.
The Iceman
2821 posts
Jun 19, 2014
10:40 AM
Well said, Iceman. I agree with that, and I also agree that it may be what's fueling the debate. It also goes to the larger issue of preferring a more traditional sound, in general, than a more modern one. Nothing wrong with liking a traditional sound, but this is, indeed, the modern blues harmonica forum, so IMO, a critique based solely on a player's or sound's "modernness" shouldn't really fly here. Instead, a critique should come from the position of suitably to the musical context. We can certainly debate if Jason's use of that fairly mild tremolo effect suited that song in that context. we can even debate the nuances of that effect, and how Jason uses it versus Carey Bell or Chris Michalek (RIP). What we can't really debate is whether the effect "sounds shite" or not.
Super Awesome!
   YouTube!                 Soundcloud!
259 posts
Jun 19, 2014
11:31 AM
In the spirit of a real discussion about context and tradition, I think you make some really interesting points Iceman. This is where the discussion should have gone, rather than personal criticism IMHO! I can understand the concept of "Serving the Song" but I don't agree with the statement 'These songs seem to me to invite a reverence as to what they are and how they should be presented'.

I grew up during the 60's in the UK at the time of the folk revival. Folk clubs at that time had a very purist, attitude. You either sang unaccompanied or at a push a guitar was acceptable! It was very incestuous and middle class. Younger musicians came along and pushed the boundaries, which upset a lot of people at first, but the result was that it became a living tradition. More people became involved and some really interesting music resulted from it. Music and art can be interpreted in so many ways, it is an expressive form. By pushing the envelope (pun intended) more people will become aware of the blues, some will want to revisit the past, but others will take it to new places. Its all good, nothing is sacred in my book!

Last Edited by Libertad on Jun 19, 2014 11:41 AM
The Iceman
1745 posts
Jun 19, 2014
11:49 AM
Libertad - "I don't agree with the statement 'These songs seem to me to invite a reverence as to what they are and how they should be presented'."

"Scratch My Back" being the case in point, it would have made more sense to me if the arrangement and the way the other musicians played were modernized and funkified as well. Then this particular solo may have blended in more successfully.

For instance, when I was in Brutha Neil and the Real Deal in Orlando, I brought an arrangement to "Mustang Sally" that totally funkified the song. It was still "Mustang Sally" and recognized as such, but had a totally different spin from start to finish. It was totally embraced by the audience and still "Served the Song" - however, it pushed the boundaries in a new direction in a favorable way, giving the best of both these worlds.

What I found disjointed within the "Scratch My Back" video was that the tune was played by the band in a sense of "Serving the Song" while the solo used the song to "Serve the Artistic Vision".

I don't feel that the two directions work well within one song.
The Iceman

Last Edited by The Iceman on Jun 19, 2014 11:49 AM
37 posts
Jun 19, 2014
11:53 AM
I think you guys are missing the real point. THIS IS A MONSTER SOLO-ESPECIALLY THE FIRST 2 CHORUSES. Great use of space and thematic development by Jason.

The effect helps to highlight the precision and clean attack of Jason's technique. Most blues players seem to be looking for the dirt and overtones that help the harmonica to sound "bigger". All of that amp tone usually masks not so precise technique. Jason's amp tone over the years has been varying degrees of dirty, but when he plays really clean, you can hear all of the nuances in his precision. This effect, which I am fine with for one song a night-about Jason's norm-helped make the beauty of the harmonica stand out for me - strange as it seems.

Harmonica playing is one of the more productive things you can do with your mouth.

Check out my new DVD sets: Pro Harmonica/Pro Saxophone Secrets Made Simple
The Iceman
1746 posts
Jun 19, 2014
1:12 PM
Michael -

I don't think anyone disagrees that the solo is a good one.

The suggestion is to take a step back and consider the context within which the solo appears and how the two work together.
The Iceman
2691 posts
Jun 19, 2014
1:50 PM
My take on this subject goes way beyond Jason. Our species is hard wired to destroy what is different/not understood. I think it is from cave man days where survival was top priority everyday. We think we have grown past this but really haven't. Look at the news and how much our world is still living this way. So Jason makes sounds that are forgien to the box we have for harmonica. It spurs that knee jerk response to destroy/fight it. I live with this concept everyday with how I do music. In reality 99.99999% of musicians unknowlingly strive to sound just like the most accepted ways/sounds of doing music because they simply don't have a strong enough vision to take the leap of faith and bypass this thing. Personaly I have fought too long to get my concept accepted and thankfully I have realized it is all a waste of time. Walter
walter tore's spontobeat - a real one man band and over 1 million spontaneously created songs and growing. I record about 300 full length cds a year in the Tunnel of Dreams Studio.
" life is a daring adventure or nothing at all" - helen keller

4,500+ of my songs in a streaming format

my videos

529 posts
Jun 19, 2014
3:07 PM
"What I found disjointed within the "Scratch My Back" video was that the tune was played by the band in a sense of "Serving the Song" while the solo used the song to "Serve the Artistic Vision".

You seem(and I am being sincere) too nice a guy for me to give an honest retort to one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard so far on MBH. As such, I will follow this thread while biting my tongue. Good day Sirs(and madams)
152 posts
Jun 19, 2014
4:52 PM
Damn! 102 posts on this?

291 posts
Jun 19, 2014
4:56 PM
#103 - Contentious threads are irresistible.

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