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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Harmonica Player of the Year 2022 FACTS!
Harmonica Player of the Year 2022 FACTS!
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Moon Cat
835 posts
Mar 13, 2022
4:17 AM
Vote today at: www.BLUES.org
Kaitlin Dibble and I are so proud and thankful to all of you for my nomination in this year Blues Music Awards! Voting is tough and we thought you might want know the TRUTH about some of my competition this year. Don't vote until you watch this ground breaking information. What are your favorite harmonica players REALLY up to? Get informed and make the responsible decision in this years Harmonica Player of the Year Category! You must be a current member of The Blues Foundation. Voting closes SOON at 11:59 pm CST on Friday, March 18th. Visit www.BLUES.org to join or renew today. It's an honor to be in the company of Billy Branch , Brandon Santini , Bob Corritore and Kim Wilson this year even with these shocking new allegations.

1561 posts
Mar 15, 2022
10:54 AM
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas
96 posts
Mar 18, 2022
7:05 AM
Aren't you the chap that gave Adam Gussow a heart attack? Got my vote.
29 posts
Mar 20, 2022
1:59 PM
Soap Music
96 posts
Mar 22, 2022
9:20 AM
Hey Jason, I'd vote for you every-other- week, just for your song I'm A New Man. I love that track and the way you use the harmonica on the outro of the song. I play it death while I'm driving and l can sing it better than you, ha! It's one of those
songs that makes me wish that I'd wrote. GOOD STUFF, MAN.
Is a little tour to the South of England on the cards in the near/distant future?

Last Edited by Soap Music on Mar 22, 2022 9:27 AM

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Modern Blues Harmonica supports

§The Jazz Foundation of America


§The Innocence Project




ADAM GUSSOW is an official endorser for HOHNER HARMONICAS