I'll make a shrinky-dink one later and put it on my signature. Can I post a picture of someone better-looking instead? ---------- > Todd L Greene, Co-Founder
Finally got it sized, Gotta say though that photobucket was one of the most user unfriendly experiences. Tried to follow the directions given by the forum but when I right clicked the resized photo and clicked copy it wouldn't let me paste it. I then went to the code already appearing to the right of the photo on the photobucket page but when I copy/pasted that, it gave me the HUGE freakin photo.
Solution? I posted the huge freakin photo, then went back to photobucket clicked on properties and read the code for the resized photo and, by hand, added the additional code to the original. no way it should be that freakin' hard.
But seriously, how the hell do I make this smaller? This is what my code looks like - http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1527/83/65/1078035500/n1078035500_207229_6168.jpg ---------- -Edward Tomaine YouTube
@edditT I posted my pic to photo bucket, and used their photo edit function to resize the picture to "tiny". I then right clicked the resized photo and copied the image url into the photo signature. ---------- Brandon O. Bailey
I'm still kinda having a hard time using Photobucket for it. It's too bad there wasn't the more common thing where you hit the browse button so you could upload it, which for me, is a lot easier to deal with and many other forums are set up with that process but with a certain file size limit. ---------- Sincerely, Barbeque Bob Maglinte Boston, MA http://www.barbequebob.com CD available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bbmaglinte
BBQ, unfortunately hosting images directly on a site uses a lot of resources. I just use Flikr. There is the easy uploader feature, then I just right click on the picture to get it's new url and paste it into the code (conveniently posted in my post at the top of the page), replacing everything between the quotation marks. And then post. It's not as easy as Facebook or Myspace, but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad.
AV8R, yeah, you can add it to your signature in your account using the same bit of HTML you'd use to post it in a thread. Just replace the part in the quotation marks with the URL of the picture (make sure you right click to get that, it's different than the URL of the page in Photobucket that your picture is on.)
<img src="http://www.the url of your picture not the page your picture is on.jpg">
test..anyone need a smaller pic, email it to me at armarsh75@yahoo.com and ill send it back to you itty bitty... ---------- Kyzer's Travels Kyzer's Artwork
Last Edited by on Jun 20, 2010 11:22 PM