1275 posts
Mar 14, 2018
1:14 PM
Last year I got a small batch of Linen Phenolic Resin combs made for the Marine Band, Manji and Seydel 1847. The feedback has been very positive. A lot of people have told me that the tone resembles that of wood. The manufacturer uses different materials to fill and strengthen the resin – sort of like using rebar in concrete. In addition to using fine linen fabric, they also use paper, which is available in black and “Natural” which is a nice medium brown. When it is finished nicely it looks like wood.

I just finished preparing a batch of Marine Band and Manji combs. All the combs are fine sanded to remove the milling marks and sealed with all natural Zissner Bulls Eye Shellac. The tips of the tines were finished with a thin coat of Liquid Glass which provides an ultra-smooth and slick surface for your lips and tongue. The edges were finished with a few micro-thin coats of wipe-on polyurethane.
You can click on any of the photos and it will take you to a photo album on PhotoBucket.com
So here they are – available as components for the Do-it-Yourselfers, or in custom harps at Blue Moon Harmonicas
---------- Tom Halchak Blue Moon Harmonicas